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object:5.05 - Supermind and Humanity
book class:Essays In Philosophy And Yoga
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Supermind and Humanity


HAT THEN would be the consequence for humanity of the descent of Supermind into our earthly existence, its consequence for this race born into a world of ignorance and inconscience but capable of an upward evolution of its consciousness and an ascent into the light and power and bliss of a spiritual being and spiritual nature? The descent into the earth-life of so supreme a creative power as the Supermind and its truth-consciousness could not be merely a new feature or factor added to that life or put in its front but without any other importance or only a restricted importance carrying with it no results profoundly affecting the rest of earth-nature. Especially it could not fail to exercise an immense influence on mankind as a whole, even a radical change in the aspect and prospect of its existence here, even if this power had no other capital result on the material world in which it had come down to intervene. One cannot but conclude that the influence, the change made would be far-reaching, even enormous: it would not only establish the
Supermind and a supramental race of beings upon the earth, it could bring about an uplifting and transforming change in mind itself and, as an inevitable consequence, in the consciousness of man, the mental being, and would equally bring about a radical and transforming change in the principles and forms of his living, his ways of action and the whole build and tenor of his life. It would certainly open to man the access to the supramental consciousness and the supramental life; for we must suppose that it is by such a transformation that a race of supramental beings would be created, even as the human race itself has arisen by a less radical but still a considerable uplifting and enlargement of consciousness and conversion of the body's instrumentation and its indwelling and evolving mental and spiritual capacities and powers out of a first animal state. But even without any

Supermind and Humanity

such complete transformation, the truth-principle might so far replace the principle we see here of an original ignorance seeking for knowledge and arriving only at a partial knowledge that the human mind could become a power of light, of knowledge finding itself, not the denizen of a half-way twilight or a servant and helper of the ignorance, a purveyor of mingled truth and error. Mind might even become in man, what it is in its fundamental origin, a subordinate, limited and special action of the
Supermind, a sufficiently luminous receptacle of truth, and at least all falsity in its works might cease.

It could at once be objected that this would alter the whole evolutionary order and its balance and leave an incurable gap in its completeness: there would be an unbridged gulf between man and the animal and no way for the evolutionary nisus to journey over it in the progress of the consciousness from animality to divinity; for some kind of divinity would be involved in the suggested metamorphosis. It might be contended that the true process of evolution is to add a new principle, degree or stage to the already existing order and not to make any alteration in any previously established feature. Man came into being but the animal remained the animal and made no progress towards a half-humanity: all slight modifications of consciousness, capacities or habits in domestic animals produced by the association with man or by his training of them are only slight alterations of the animal intelligence. Still less can the plant move towards animal consciousness or brute Matter become in the slightest degree, even subconsciously or half subconsciously, aware of itself or responsive or reactive. The fundamental distinctions remain and must remain unaltered in the cosmic order. But this objection presumes that the new humanity must be all of one level; there may well be gradations of consciousness in it which would bridge the distance between its least developed elements and the higher animals who, although they cannot pass into a semi-human kind, might still progress towards a higher animal intelligence: for certain experiments show that these are not all entirely unprogressive. These gradations would serve the purpose of the transition quite as well as the least developed humans


The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth
in the present scale without leaving a gap so wide as to disturb the evolutionary order of the universe. A considerable saltus can, as it is, be observed separating the different orders, Matter and the plant, the plant and the lower animals, one species of animals and another, as well as that always existing and large enough between the highest animal and man. There would therefore be no incurable breach in the evolutionary order, no such distance between human mind and animal mind, between the new type of human being and the old animal level as could not be overleaped or would create an unbridgeable gulf for the most developed animal soul in its passage to the least developed type of the new humanity. A leap, a saltus, there would be, as there is now; but it would not be between animality and divinity, from animal mind to Supermind: it would be between a most highly developed animal mind turning towards human possibilities - for without that the passage from animal to man could not be achieved - and a human mind waking to the possibility, not yet the full achievement, of its own higher yet unattained capacities.

One result of the intervention of Supermind in the earthnature, the descent of the supreme creative Truth-Power, might well be a change in the law of evolution, its method and its arrangement: a larger element of the principle of evolution through knowledge might enter into the forces of the material universe.

This might extend itself from a first beginning in the new creation and produce increasing effects in the order which is now wholly an evolution in the ignorance, and indeed starts from the complete nescience of the Inconscient and proceeds towards what can be regarded even in its highest attainment of knowledge as a lesser ignorance, since it is more a representation than a direct and complete possession of knowledge. If man began to develop the powers and means of a higher knowledge in something like fullness, if the developing animal opened the door of his mentality to beginnings of conscious thought and even a rudimentary reason, - at his highest he is not so irrevocably far from that even now, - if the plant developed its first subconscient reactions and attained to some kind of primary nervous sensitiveness, if Matter, which is a blind form of the Spirit, were

Supermind and Humanity

to become more alive with the hidden power within it and to offer more readily the secret sense of things, the occult realities it covers, as for instance, the record of the past it always preserves even in its dumb inconscience or the working of its involved forces and invisible movements revealing veiled powers in material nature to a subtler generalised perception of the new human intelligence, this would be an immense change promising greater changes in the future, but it would mean only an uplifting and not a disturbance of the universal order. Evolution would itself evolve, but it would not be perturbed or founder.

It is difficult for us to conceive in theory or admit as a practical possibility the transformation of the human mentality I have suggested as a change that would naturally take place under the lead of the supramental Truth-consciousness, because our notions about mind are rooted in an experience of human mentality in a world which starts from inconscience and proceeds through a first almost complete nescience and a slowly lessening ignorance towards a high degree but always incomplete scope and imperfect method of only partially equipped knowledge which does not serve fully the needs of a consciousness always pushing towards its own still immeasurably distant absolute.

The visible imperfections and limitations of mind in the present stage of its evolution here we take as part of its very nature; but in fact the boundaries in which it is still penned are only temporary limits and measures of its still incomplete evolutionary advance; its defects of methods and means are faults of its immaturity and not proper to the constitution of its being; its achievement, although extraordinary under the hampering conditions of the mental being weighed down by its instrumentation in an earthly body, is far below and not beyond what will be possible to it in its illumined future. For mind is not in its very nature an inventor of errors, a father of lies bound down to a capacity of falsehood, wedded to its own mistakes and the leader of a stumbling life as it too largely is at present owing to our human shortcomings: it is in its origin a principle of light, an instrument put forth from the Supermind and, though set to work within limits and even set to create limits, yet the limits are luminous borders for


The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth
a special working, voluntary and purposive bounds, a surface of the finite ever extending itself under the eye of infinity. It is this character of Mind that will reveal itself under the touch of
Supermind and make human mentality an adjunct and a minor instrumentation of the supramental knowledge. It will even be possible for the mind no longer limited by the intellect to become capable of a sort of mental gnosis, a luminous reproduction of the Truth in a diminished working, extending the power of the
Light not only to its own but to lower levels of consciousness in their climb towards self-transcendence. Overmind, Intuition,
Illumined Mind and what I have called Higher Mind, these and other levels of a spiritualised and liberated mentality, will be able to reflect in the uplifted human mind and its purified and exalted feeling and force of life and action something of their powers and prepare the ascent of the soul to their own plateaus and peaks of an ascending existence. This is essentially the change which can be contemplated as a result of the new evolutionary order, and it would mean a considerable extension of the evolutionary field itself and will answer the question as to the result on humanity of the advent of Supermind into the earth-nature.

If mind in its origin from Supermind is itself a power of
Supermind, a principle of Light and a power of Light or a force for Knowledge specialised in its action for a subordinate purpose, yet it assumes a different aspect when in the working out of this purpose it separates itself more and more from the supramental light, from the immediate power and supporting illumination of the supramental principle. It is as it departs more and more in this direction from its own highest truth that it becomes a creator or parent of ignorance and is or seems to be the highest power in a world of ignorance; it becomes itself subject to ignorance and seems only to arrive at a partial and imperfect knowledge. The reason of this decline is that it is used by the Supermind principally for the work of differentiation which is necessary if there is to be a creation and a universe.

In the Supermind itself, in all its creation there is this differentiating power, the manifestation of the One in the Many and

Supermind and Humanity

the Many in the One; but the One is never forgotten or lost in its multiplicity which always consciously depends upon and never takes precedence over the eternal oneness. In the mind, on the contrary, the differentiation, the multiplicity does take precedence and the conscious sense of the universal oneness is lost and the separated unit seems to exist for itself and by itself as a sufficient self-conscious integer or in inanimate objects as the inconscient integer.

It should be noted, however, that a world or plane of mind need not be a reign of ignorance where falsity, error or nescience must have a place; it may be only a voluntary self-limitation of knowledge. It could be a world where all possibilities capable of being determined by mind could manifest themselves in the successions of Time and find a true form and field of their action, the expressive figure of themselves, their capacity of selfdevelopment, self-realisation of a kind, self-discovery. This is actually what we meet when we follow in psychic experience the line of descent by which the involution takes place which ends in Matter and the creation of the material universe. What we see here is not the planes or worlds of the descent in which mind and life can keep something of their truth and something of the light of the spirit, something of their true and real being; here we see an original inconscience and a struggle of life and mind and spirit to evolve out of the material inconscience and in a resultant ignorance to find themselves and grow towards their full capacity and highest existence. If mind succeeds in that endeavour there is no reason why it should not recover its true character and be once more a principle and power of Light and even in its own way aid in the workings of a true and complete knowledge. At its highest it might pass out of its limitations into the supramental truth and become part and function of the supramental knowledge or at the least serve for a minor work of differentiation in the consensus of that knowledge: in the lower degree below Supermind it might be a mental gnosis, a spiritual or spiritualised perception, feeling, activity, sense which could do the works of knowledge and not of ignorance. Even at a still lower level it could be an increasingly luminous passage leading


The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth
from light to light, from truth to truth and no longer a circling in the mazes of half-truth and half-nescience. This would not be possible in a world where untransformed mind or human mind burdened with its hampering disabilities, as it now is, will still be the leader or the evolution's highest achievement, but with Supermind for the leading and dominant power this might well happen, and might even be regarded as one result and an almost inevitable result of its descent into the human world and its touch on the mind of humanity.

How far this would go, whether the whole of humanity would be touched or only a part of it ready for the change, would depend on what was intended or possible in the continued order of the universe. If the old evolutionary principle and order must be preserved, then only a section of the race would pass onward, the rest would keep the old human position, level and function in the ascending order. But even so there must be a passage or bridge between the two levels or orders of being by which the evolution would make its transition from one to the other; the mind would there be capable of contact with and modification by the supramental truth and thus would be the means of the soul's passing on upward: there must be a status of mind capable of receiving and growing in the Light towards Supermind though not reaching it; through that, as even now happens in a lesser degree through a dimmer medium, the lustre of a greater truth would send down its rays for the liberation and uplift of the soul in the ignorance. Supermind is here veiled behind a curtain and, though not organised for its own characteristic action, it is the true cause of all creation here, the power for the growth of truth and knowledge and the ascension of the soul towards the hidden Reality. But in a world where Supermind has made its appearance, it could hardly be a separate factor isolated from the rest, it would inevitably not only create superman but change and uplift man. A total change of the mental principle, such as has been suggested, cannot be ruled out as impossible.

Mind as we know it, as a power of consciousness quite distinct from Supermind, no longer a power devolved from it, connected with it and dependent upon it, but practically

Supermind and Humanity

divorced from its luminous origin, is marked by several characteristics which we conceive to be the very signs of its nature: but some of these belong to Supermind also and the difference is in the way and scope of their action, not in their stuff or in their principle. The difference is that mind is not a power of whole knowledge and only when it begins to pass beyond itself a power of direct knowledge: it receives rays of the truth but does not live in the sun; it sees as through glasses and its knowledge is coloured by its instruments, it cannot see with the naked eye or look straight at the sun. It is not possible for mind to take its stand in the solar centre or anywhere in the radiant body or even on the shining circumference of the orb of perfect truth and acquire or share in its privilege of infallible or absolute knowledge. It would be only if it had already drawn near to the light of Supermind that it could live anywhere near this sun in the full splendour of its rays, in something of the full and direct blaze of Truth, and the human mind even at its highest is far from that; it can only live at most in a limited circle, in some narrow beginnings of a pure insight, a direct vision and it would take long for it, even in surpassing itself, to reach to an imitative and fragmentary reflection of a dream of the limited omniscience and omnipotence which is the privilege of a delegated divinity, of the god, of a demiurge. It is a power for creation, but either tentative and uncertain and succeeding by good chance or the favour of circumstance or else, if assured by some force of practical ability or genius, subject to flaw or pent within unescapable limits. Its highest knowledge is often abstract, lacking in a concrete grasp; it has to use expedients and unsure means of arrival, to rely upon reasoning, argumentation and debate, inferences, divinations, set methods of inductive or deductive logic, succeeding only if it is given correct and complete data and even then liable to reach on the same data different results and varying consequences; it has to use means and accept results of a method which is hazardous even when making a claim to certitude and of which there would be no need if it had a direct or a supra-intellectual knowledge. It is not necessary to push the description further; all this is the very nature of our terrestrial ignorance and its shadow


The Supramental Manifestation upon Earth
hangs on even to the thought and vision of the sage and the seer and can be escaped only if the principle of a truth-conscious supramental knowledge descends and takes up the governance of the earth-nature.

It should be noted, however, that even at the bottom of the involutionary descent, in the blind eclipse of consciousness in Matter, in the very field of the working of the Inconscient there are signs of the labour of an infallible force, the drive of a secret consciousness and its promptings, as if the Inconscient itself were secretly informed or impelled by a Power with a direct and absolute knowledge; its acts of creation are infinitely surer than the workings of our human consciousness at its best or the normal workings of the Life-power. Matter, or rather the
Energy in Matter seems to have a more certain knowledge, a more infallible operation of its own and its mechanism once set going can be trusted for the most part to do its work accurately and well. It is so that man is able, taking hold of a material energy, to mechanise it for his own ends and trust it under proper conditions to do for him his work. The self-creating life-power, amazingly abundant in its invention and fantasy, yet seems to be more capable of flaw, aberration and failure; it is as if its greater consciousness carried in it a greater capacity for error. Yet it is sure enough ordinarily in its workings: but as consciousness increases in the forms and operations of life, and most when mind enters in, disturbances also increase as if the increase of consciousness brought with it not only richer possibilities but more possibilities of stumbling, error, flaw and failure. In mind, in man, we seem to reach the height of this antinomy, the greatest, highest, widest reach and achievements of consciousness, the greatest amount of uncertainty, defect, failure and error. This, we may conjecture, may be because in inconscient Nature there is a truth of energy at work which follows infallibly its own law, an energy which can walk blindfold without stumbling because the automatic law of the truth is within it, operating surely without swerving or mistake when there is no external intervention or interference. But in all normally automatic processes of existence there is this law: even the body has an unexpressed knowledge of

Supermind and Humanity

its own, a just instinct in its action within certain limits and this when not interfered with by life's desires and mind's errors can work with a certain accuracy and sureness. But Supermind alone has the truth-consciousness in full and, if this comes down and intervenes, mind, life and body too can attain to the full power of the truth in them and their full possibility of perfection. This, no doubt, would not take place at once, but an evolutionary progress towards it could begin and grow with increasing rapidity towards its fullness. All men might not reach that fullness till a later time, but still the human mind could come to stand perfected in the Light and a new humanity take its place as part of the new order.

This is the possibility we have to examine. If it is destined to fulfil itself, if man is not doomed to remain always as a vassal of the Ignorance, the disabilities of the human mind on which we have dwelt are not such as must remain irredeemably in possession and binding for ever. It could develop higher means and instrumentalities, pass over the last borders of the Ignorance into a higher knowledge, grow too strong to be held back by the animal nature. There would be a liberated mind escaping from ignorance into light, aware of its affiliation to Supermind, a natural agent of Supermind and capable of bringing down the supramental influence into the lower reaches of being, a creator in the light, a discoverer in the depths, an illuminant in the darkness, helping perhaps to penetrate even the Inconscient with the rays of a secret Superconscience. There would be a new mental being not only capable of standing enlightened in the radiance of the Supermind but able to climb consciously towards it and into it, training life and body to reflect and hold something of the supramental light, power and bliss, aspiring to release the secret divinity into self-finding and self-fulfilment and self-poise, aspiring towards the ascension to the divine consciousness, able to receive and bear the descent of the divine light and power, fitting itself to be a vessel of the divine Life.

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Wikipedia - Chemical structure -- An organized way in which molecules are ordered and sorted
Wikipedia - Chernobyl New Safe Confinement -- Containment structure for the nuclear reactor at Chernobyl, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant sarcophagus -- Structure enclosing the ruins of the nuclear reactor following the 1986 disaster
Wikipedia - Chevalley's structure theorem -- Theorem in algebraic geometry.
Wikipedia - Chiasmus -- Reversal of grammatical structures in successive phrases
Wikipedia - Chiastic structure -- Literary technique
Wikipedia - Chinese social structure
Wikipedia - Chi Psi Fraternity House (Eugene, Oregon) -- 1935 Tudor style structure in Eugene, Oregon, United States
Wikipedia - Chris Krebs -- Cybersecurity and infrastructure security expert
Wikipedia - Christian denomination -- Identifiable Christian body with common name, structure, and doctrine
Wikipedia - Chromosome abnormality -- Abnormal number or structure of chromosomes
Wikipedia - Cintra -- Spanish transport infrastructure company
Wikipedia - Cirrus (biology) -- Long, thin structures in both vertebrate and invertebrate animals
Wikipedia - Civic Tower (Castel Goffredo) -- Historic structure
Wikipedia - Civil engineering -- Engineering discipline focused on physical infrastructure
Wikipedia - Civil engineer -- Engineering of infrastructure
Wikipedia - Clay chemistry -- The chemical structures, properties and reactions of clay minerals
Wikipedia - Client-server model -- Distributed application structure in computing
Wikipedia - Cloud Infrastructure Management Interface
Wikipedia - Cogswell Interchange -- Highway structure in Halifax, Nova Scotia
Wikipedia - Coherent ring -- Algebraic structure
Wikipedia - Cole Block Building -- Historic structure in San Diego, California
Wikipedia - Collophore -- Body structure of springtails
Wikipedia - Coloboma -- Hole in one of the structures of the eye
Wikipedia - Command and control structure of the European Union -- One of several HQs for EU military or civilian missions
Wikipedia - Command structure
Wikipedia - Common contractual fund -- Irish tax free structure
Wikipedia - Common Language Infrastructure
Wikipedia - Communications infrastructure
Wikipedia - Community boards of New York City -- Structures in New York City's government
Wikipedia - Community structure
Wikipedia - Commutative ring -- Algebraic structure
Wikipedia - Competency dictionary -- A tool or data structure that includes all or most of the general competencies needed to cover all job families and competencies that are core or common to all jobs within an organization
Wikipedia - Composable disaggregated infrastructure -- data centers gain benefits of cloud computing with on-premises equipment
Wikipedia - Composite structure diagram
Wikipedia - Compressed data structures
Wikipedia - Compressed data structure
Wikipedia - Compressibility equation -- Equation which relates the isothermal compressibility to the structure of the liquid
Wikipedia - Computational fluid dynamics -- Branch of fluid mechanics that uses numerical analysis and data structures to solve and analyze problems that involve fluid flows
Wikipedia - Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics -- Organization that advances Earth science
Wikipedia - COM Structured Storage -- Computer technology developed by Microsoft
Wikipedia - Concise Encyclopedia of Supersymmetry and Noncommutative Structures in Mathematics and Physics -- Mathematics and physics encyclopedia
Wikipedia - Concrete shell -- Structure composed of a relatively thin shell of concrete
Wikipedia - Concurrent data structure
Wikipedia - Congenital heart defect -- Defect in the structure of the heart that is present at birth
Wikipedia - Consideration and initiating structure
Wikipedia - Consigliere -- Position within the leadership structure of the Mafia
Wikipedia - Constant structure -- Music composition and performance technique
Wikipedia - Construction site -- Place at which a building or infrastructure is constructed
Wikipedia - Construction -- Process of the building or assembling of a building or infrastructure
Wikipedia - Cons -- Function and primitive data structure in Lisp and other functional programming languages
Wikipedia - Container (abstract data type) -- Software class, data structure, or abstract data type (ADT) whose instances are collections of other objects
Wikipedia - Container (data structure)
Wikipedia - Contemporary architecture -- Broad range of styles of recently built structures
Wikipedia - Contrast agent -- Substance used in medical imaging to enhance the contrast of structures or fluids within the body
Wikipedia - Control structures
Wikipedia - Control structure
Wikipedia - Convergent evolution -- Independent evolution of similar features in species of different lineages which creates analogous structures
Wikipedia - Conway's law -- Adage stating that organizations design systems that mirror their own communication structure
Wikipedia - Coordinating Minister for Infrastructure (Singapore) -- Former Senior Cabinet position in the Government of Singapore
Wikipedia - Coracoid process -- A small hook-like structure on the lateral edge of the superior anterior portion of the scapula
Wikipedia - Core Infrastructure Initiative
Wikipedia - Cornea -- Structure of the eye
Wikipedia - Cornwall Terrace -- Grade I listed architectural structure in London
Wikipedia - Coronal loop -- Structure in the lower corona and transition region of the Sun
Wikipedia - Corporate headquarters -- Part of a corporate structure that deals with important tasks
Wikipedia - Corporate structure
Wikipedia - Courts of Judicial Magistrate of First Class -- Judicial structure in India
Wikipedia - Courts of Judicial Magistrate of Second Class -- Judicial structure in India
Wikipedia - Covenant theology -- Protestant biblical interpretive framework for understanding the overall structure of the Bible
Wikipedia - Cover tree -- Type of data structure
Wikipedia - CPI Aerostructures -- American Aircraft manufacturer
Wikipedia - Crawl space -- Enclosed space below a structure that is too short to stand erect in
Wikipedia - Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction
Wikipedia - Critical infrastructure
Wikipedia - Criticism of Islam -- Criticism of the current or historical Islamic religion, its actions, teachings, omissions, structure, or nature
Wikipedia - Cross Insurance Arena -- Architectural structure
Wikipedia - Crossrail Place -- Structure in the West India Docks, Canary Wharf, London
Wikipedia - Crow's nest -- Structure in the upper part of the main mast of a ship, used as a lookout point
Wikipedia - Crystal cluster -- A group of crystals formed in an open space with form determined by their internal crystal structure
Wikipedia - CrystalExplorer -- Crystal structure analysis software
Wikipedia - Crystallization -- Process by which a solid with a highly organised atomic or molecular structure forms
Wikipedia - Crystallography -- scientific study of crystal structure
Wikipedia - Crystal structure of boron-rich metal borides -- Boron chemical complexes
Wikipedia - Crystal structure -- Ordered arrangement of atoms, ions, or molecules in a crystalline material
Wikipedia - CTIL -- Radio mast infrastructure company in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Cupola -- Dome-like architectural structure
Wikipedia - Cupriavidus-1 RNA motif -- Conserved non-coding RNA structure
Wikipedia - Curved space diamond structure -- Modular building system
Wikipedia - Cuttlebone -- A hard, brittle internal structure found in all members of the family Sepiidae
Wikipedia - Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency -- United States federal agency
Wikipedia - Cycling infrastructure -- facilities for use by cyclists
Wikipedia - Cyclohexane conformation -- Structures of cyclohexane
Wikipedia - Cypress knee -- A distinctive structure forming above the roots of a cypress tree
Wikipedia - Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition -- algorithm for solving linear programming problems with special structure
Wikipedia - Dar al-Muwaqqit -- Type of structure attached to a mosque
Wikipedia - D arm -- Tertiary structure of tRNA
Wikipedia - Database index -- Data structure for query optimization in databases
Wikipedia - Database storage structures
Wikipedia - Data definition language -- Syntax for defining data structures
Wikipedia - Data structure alignment -- The way data is arranged and accessed in computer memory, involving data alignment and data structure padding and packing, so that reads and writes to memory can be efficiently performed
Wikipedia - Data structure diagram
Wikipedia - Data structure (disambiguation)
Wikipedia - Data Structures
Wikipedia - Data structures
Wikipedia - Data Structure
Wikipedia - Data structure -- Particular way of storing and organizing data in a computer
Wikipedia - Decapod anatomy -- The entire structure of a decapod crustacean
Wikipedia - Deep Jyoti Stambh -- Architectural structure, usually found in Hindu temples, in the form of a column
Wikipedia - Deep structures and surface structures
Wikipedia - Democratic confederalism -- Political ideology and government structure
Wikipedia - Demography -- The science that deals with populations and their structures, statistically and theoretically
Wikipedia - Department for Infrastructure and Transport -- South Australian government department
Wikipedia - Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications -- Department of the Australian federal government
Wikipedia - Design smell -- Structures in the design that indicate violation of fundamental design principles and negatively impact design quality
Wikipedia - Design structure matrix
Wikipedia - Deutschlandhalle -- Architectural structure
Wikipedia - Diaphragm (optics) -- Thin opaque structure with an opening (aperture) at its center
Wikipedia - Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures
Wikipedia - Difference list -- List data structure
Wikipedia - Differentiable structure
Wikipedia - Differential geometry -- Branch of mathematics dealing with functions and geometric structures on differentiable manifolds
Wikipedia - Digital India -- Campaign to ensure improved online infrastructure,more job opportunities and Internet connectivity in India
Wikipedia - DigitalOcean -- American cloud infrastructure provider
Wikipedia - Dimension (data warehouse) -- Structure that categorizes facts and measures in a data warehouse
Wikipedia - Diplock court -- Structure of non-jury courts used in Northern Ireland, primarily 1973 to 2007 but still occasionally used
Wikipedia - Directory structure
Wikipedia - Direct Rendering Infrastructure
Wikipedia - DirectX Graphics Infrastructure
Wikipedia - Discrete mathematics -- Study of discrete mathematical structures
Wikipedia - Disjoint-set data structure
Wikipedia - Dislocation (syntax) -- Sentence structure in which a constituent occurs outside the clause boundaries either to its left or to its right
Wikipedia - Dissipative structures
Wikipedia - Distributed Bragg reflector -- Structure used in waveguides
Wikipedia - Disulfide -- Chemical structure
Wikipedia - Diverticulum -- Medical or biological term for an outpouching of a hollow (or a fluid-filled) structure in the body
Wikipedia - Divided By (album) -- 2011 album by Structures
Wikipedia - Diving platform -- A type of structure used for competitive acrobatic diving
Wikipedia - D-loop -- DNA structure
Wikipedia - DNA nanotechnology -- The design and manufacture of artificial nucleic acid structures for technological uses
Wikipedia - Dock (maritime) -- Human-made structure involved in the handling of boats or ships
Wikipedia - Document-oriented database -- A document-oriented NoSQL database, or document store, is a computer program designed for storing, retrieving and managing semi-structured, document-oriented information.
Wikipedia - Dolphin (structure) -- Man-made marine structure
Wikipedia - Dome (geology) -- geological deformation structure
Wikipedia - Donald W. Reynolds Razorback Stadium -- architectural structure
Wikipedia - Dortberghaus -- Architectural structure
Wikipedia - Dowker-Thistlethwaite notation -- Mathematical notation for describing the structure of knots
Wikipedia - Draft:Misinformation related to the COVID-19 pandemic - restructure -- False information about the COVID-19 outbreak
Wikipedia - Dramatic structure -- structure of a dramatic work such as a play or film
Wikipedia - Dry dam -- Flood control structure
Wikipedia - Dublin Landings -- Infrastructure
Wikipedia - Dun a' Choin Duibh -- Architectural structure in Argyll and Bute, Scotland, UK
Wikipedia - Dwelling -- Self-contained unit of accommodation (house, apartment, mobile home, houseboat or other structure) used as a home
Wikipedia - Dynamic data structures
Wikipedia - Dynamic infrastructure
Wikipedia - Dyson sphere -- Hypothetical megastructure originally described by Freeman Dyson
Wikipedia - Earthquake-resistant structures -- Structures designed to protect buildings from earthquakes
Wikipedia - Earth structure -- A building or other structure made largely from soil.
Wikipedia - Eastern Orthodox Church organization -- Structure and organization of the Eastern Orthodox Church
Wikipedia - East Wing -- Structure part of the White House Complex, east of the Executive Residence
Wikipedia - Ecclesiastical polity -- Operational and governance structure of a church
Wikipedia - Ecological succession -- The process of change in the species structure of an ecological community over time
Wikipedia - Edge city -- New unstructured settlement created near a major city
Wikipedia - Edge list -- Graph data structure
Wikipedia - Edward J. Roye Building -- Architectural structure
Wikipedia - Egyptian pyramids -- Ancient pyramid-shaped masonry structures located in Egypt
Wikipedia - Egyptian temple -- Structures for official worship of the gods and commemoration of pharaohs in Ancient Egypt
Wikipedia - Eighth Wonder of the World -- Unofficial title sometimes given to places, buildings, structures, projects or designs
Wikipedia - Ekman spiral -- A structure of currents or winds near a horizontal boundary in which the flow direction rotates as one moves away from the boundary
Wikipedia - Elaiosome -- Fleshy structures attached to the seeds of plants
Wikipedia - Electrical resistivity tomography -- A geophysical technique for imaging sub-surface structures
Wikipedia - Electricity Act 1957 -- UK legislation to restructure the electricity industry
Wikipedia - Electric reef -- Human-created underwater structure
Wikipedia - Electronic band structure -- Describes the range of energies that an electron within the solid may have and ranges of energy that it may not have
Wikipedia - Electronic structure
Wikipedia - Elementary particle -- Subatomic particle having no known substructure
Wikipedia - Empty lattice approximation -- A theoretical electronic band structure model in which the potential is periodic and weak
Wikipedia - Enamel lamellae -- Type of structure in teeth
Wikipedia - Enation -- Scaly leaflike structures, differing from leaves in their lack of vascular tissue
Wikipedia - Encapsulation (networking) -- Method of designing modular communication protocols in which separate functions are abstracted from their underlying structures
Wikipedia - Endospore -- Protective structure formed by bacteria
Wikipedia - Epicranium -- Collection of structures covering the cranium
Wikipedia - EPICS -- Software infrastructure for building distributed control systems
Wikipedia - Epigenetic valley -- Valley created by erosion and with little or no sympathy for bedrock structure
Wikipedia - Essential complexity (numerical measure of "structuredness")
Wikipedia - Etching (microfabrication) -- Technique in microfabrication used to remove material and create structures
Wikipedia - European Grid Infrastructure -- Effort to provide access to high-throughput computing resources across Europe
Wikipedia - European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water column Observatory -- A large-scale European distributed Research Infrastructure for ocean observation
Wikipedia - Extended X-ray absorption fine structure -- Measurement of X-ray absorption of a material as a function of energy
Wikipedia - Extensional tectonics -- Study of the structures formed by, and the processes associated with, the stretching of a planetary body's crust
Wikipedia - Extreme Light Infrastructure
Wikipedia - E. Yvonne Jones -- Director of the Cancer Research UK Receptor Structure Research Group
Wikipedia - Ezekiel's Temple -- Unbuilt temple structure described in the biblical Book of Ezekiel
Wikipedia - Fabrik Heeder -- Architectural structure
Wikipedia - Family structure in the United States
Wikipedia - Family tree -- Chart representing family relationships in a conventional tree structure
Wikipedia - Feature structure
Wikipedia - Federative International Committee on Anatomical Terminology -- Group of experts who review, analyze and discuss the terms of the morphological structures of the human body
Wikipedia - Female body shape -- Cumulative product of the human female skeletal structure and distribution of muscle and fat
Wikipedia - Fences and pickets model of plasma membrane structure -- Concept of cell membrane structure
Wikipedia - Fence -- Freestanding structure preventing movement across a boundary
Wikipedia - FESOM -- A multi-resolution ocean general circulation model that solves the equations of motion describing the ocean and sea ice using finite-element and finite-volume methods on unstructured computational grids
Wikipedia - Field (mathematics) -- Algebraic structure with addition, multiplication and division
Wikipedia - Field-theoretic simulation -- Numerical strategy to calculate structure and physical properties of a many-particle system
Wikipedia - Fine structure constant
Wikipedia - Fine-structure constant -- Dimensionless number that quantifies the strength of the electromagnetic interaction
Wikipedia - Finite field -- Algebraic structure
Wikipedia - Finite Volume Community Ocean Model -- A prognostic, unstructured-grid, free-surface, 3-D primitive equation coastal ocean circulation model
Wikipedia - Finswimming in the United Kingdom -- Practice of the sport and supporting infrastructure
Wikipedia - Fish ladder -- Structure to allow fish to migrate upriver around barriers
Wikipedia - Flat-file database -- Database stored as an ordinary unstructured file
Wikipedia - Flat module -- Algebraic structure in ring theory
Wikipedia - Flavan-3-ol -- Any chemical compound having a flavan skeleton as a core structure with a hydroxy group attached in 3 position
Wikipedia - Floor plate -- Embryonic structure
Wikipedia - Floral formula -- Floral formula is a means to represent the structure of a flower using numbers, letters and various symbols, presenting substantial information about the flower in a compact form.
Wikipedia - Flower -- Structure found in some plants; aka: blossom
Wikipedia - Fogou -- Underground, dry-stone structures found on Iron Age or Romano-British-defended settlement sites in Cornwall
Wikipedia - Foot -- Anatomical structure found in vertebrates
Wikipedia - Formal grammar -- Structure of a formal language
Wikipedia - Fortifications of the Cape Peninsula -- List of historical military structures built to defend the region
Wikipedia - Fort Pasir Panjang -- Colonial Singapore defensive structure
Wikipedia - Fort Tanjong Katong -- Colonial Singapore defensive structure
Wikipedia - Foundation (engineering) -- Lowest and supporting layer of a structure
Wikipedia - Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure
Wikipedia - Fovea centralis -- Anatomical structure in the eye
Wikipedia - Fractal -- Self similar mathematical structures
Wikipedia - Fracture (geology) -- Geologic structure
Wikipedia - Fracture -- Split of materials or structures under stress
Wikipedia - Francis Crick -- British physicist,molecular biologist; co-discoverer of the structure of DNA
Wikipedia - Free electron model -- A simple model for the behaviour of valence electrons in a crystal structure of a metallic solid
Wikipedia - Freiman's theorem -- On the approximate structure of sets whose sumset is small
Wikipedia - Fried Egg structure -- An informal name for an underwater geomorphic structure in the North Atlantic that is a suspected impact crater
Wikipedia - Fundamental theorem of Galois theory -- Theorem that describes the structure of certain types of field extensions
Wikipedia - Funnel-mantle locking apparatus -- Structure found in many cephalopods that connects the mantle and hyponome and restricts their movement relative to each other
Wikipedia - Galaxy cluster -- Structure made up of a gravitationally-bound aggregation of hundreds of galaxies
Wikipedia - Galaxy filament -- Largest structures in the universe, made of galaxies
Wikipedia - Galaxy -- Gravitationally bound astronomical structure
Wikipedia - Game -- structured form of play
Wikipedia - Gamma-150 RNA motif -- RNA Structure
Wikipedia - Garage (residential) -- Walled, roofed structure for storing vehicles
Wikipedia - Gate of Glorious Harmony -- Historic structure in Beijing, China
Wikipedia - Gazebo -- Pavilion structure built in a park, garden or public area
Wikipedia - Generalised phrase structure grammar
Wikipedia - General-law municipality -- City or municipality whose governance and structure is defined by state law
Wikipedia - Generator (mathematics) -- Element of a generating set, a subset of an algebraic structure that allows specifying all elements of the structure
Wikipedia - Genome evolution -- The process by which a genome changes in structure or size over time
Wikipedia - Geodesic dome -- Spherical shell structure based on a geodesic polyhedron
Wikipedia - Geodetic airframe -- type of aircraft structure
Wikipedia - Geology of India -- Geological origins and structure of India
Wikipedia - Geology of Mercury -- Geologic structure and composition of planet Mercury
Wikipedia - Geology of South Africa -- The origin and structure of the rock formations
Wikipedia - Geology of the Himalaya -- The origins and structure of the mountain range
Wikipedia - Geology of the Iberian Peninsula -- The origins, structure use and study of the rock formations of Spain, Portugal, Andorra and Gibraltar
Wikipedia - Geology of the Moon -- Structure and composition of the Moon
Wikipedia - Geology of Venus -- Geological structure and composition of the second planet from the Sun
Wikipedia - Geology -- Study of the composition, structure, physical properties, and history of Earth's components and processes
Wikipedia - Geometric algebra -- Algebraic structure designed for geometry
Wikipedia - German sentence structure -- Structure of sentences in the German language
Wikipedia - Glass mosaic -- Traditional Burmese mosaic made with pieces of glass, used to embellish decorative art, structures, and furniture
Wikipedia - Global distance test -- A measure of similarity between two protein structures
Wikipedia - Globus pallidus -- Structure of the basal ganglia of the brain
Wikipedia - Goldschmidt tolerance factor -- Factor used to determine the compatibility of an ion with a crystal structure
Wikipedia - Goodspeed Brothers Building -- Commercial structure in Grand Rapids
Wikipedia - Google Cloud Platform -- Cloud-based service and infrastructure
Wikipedia - Google Sites -- Structured wiki- and Web page-creation tool
Wikipedia - Gourmand syndrome -- Rare eating disorder caused by injury to the frontal lobe or limbic structures
Wikipedia - Government of California -- Governmental structure of the U.S. state of California
Wikipedia - G-quadruplex -- Structure in molecular biology
Wikipedia - Grammatical modifier -- Optional element in phrase or clause structure
Wikipedia - Granada Bridge (Ormond Beach) -- Structure in Florida, United States
Wikipedia - Granite -- common type of intrusive, felsic, igneous rock with granular structure
Wikipedia - Graph (data structure)
Wikipedia - Graph data structure
Wikipedia - Graph (discrete mathematics) -- Mathematical structure consisting of vertices and edges connecting some pairs of vertices
Wikipedia - Greigite -- Iron sulfide mineral of spinel structure
Wikipedia - Grey box model -- Mathematical data production model with limited structure
Wikipedia - Grid Security Infrastructure
Wikipedia - Group (mathematics) -- Algebraic structure with one binary operation
Wikipedia - Groyne -- Structure extending into body of water to limit movement of sediment
Wikipedia - Guard stone -- Architectural element intended to protect structures from damage from vehicle wheels
Wikipedia - Gude House -- Historic structure in Maryland, U.S.
Wikipedia - Guyed mast -- Tall thin vertical structure that is supported by guy lines
Wikipedia - GVK Power & Infrastructure -- Indian conglomerate company
Wikipedia - Hacienda Los Torres -- Historic structure in Lares, Puerto Rico
Wikipedia - Hadano Castle -- Ruinous remains of a castle structure in Hadano City, Japan
Wikipedia - HaleM-JM-;akala -- Historic structure in Honolulu, Hawaii, United States
Wikipedia - Halifax Town Hall -- Listed structure in Hallifax, Calderdale, United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Hangar -- Closed structure to hold aircraft or spacecraft in protective storage
Wikipedia - Hardscape -- Hard landscape materials in the built environment structures
Wikipedia - Hardware description language -- Specialized computer language used to describe the structure and behavior of electronic circuits, and most commonly, digital logic circuits
Wikipedia - Hash tree (persistent data structure)
Wikipedia - Haustorium -- Rootlike structure that grows into or around another structure to absorb water or nutrients
Wikipedia - Head-driven phrase structure grammar
Wikipedia - Heap (data structure) -- Computer science data structure
Wikipedia - Heap (mathematics) -- Algebraic structure with a ternary operation
Wikipedia - Herbrand structure
Wikipedia - Heterostructure barrier varactor
Wikipedia - Heterotypic cortex -- Areas of the neocortex that do not have the typical six-layered structure
Wikipedia - HEXACO model of personality structure
Wikipedia - Hierarchical cell structure
Wikipedia - Hierarchical structure of Feudal Japan
Wikipedia - Hierarchical Structure of the Big Five
Wikipedia - High-speed rail -- Significantly faster advanced rail transport and infrastructure systems
Wikipedia - Hilbert-Burch theorem -- Describes the structure of some free resolutions of a quotient of a local or graded ring
Wikipedia - Hirairi -- Japanese traditional architectural structure
Wikipedia - Histone H4 -- One of the five main histone proteins involved in the structure of chromatin
Wikipedia - History of geology -- History of the scientific study of the origin, history, and structure of the Earth
Wikipedia - Hitbodedut -- Unstructured, spontaneous and individualized form of prayer and meditation
Wikipedia - HNTB -- American infrastructure design firm
Wikipedia - Hodge structure -- Algebraic structure
Wikipedia - Holdfast (biology) -- Root-like structure that anchors aquatic sessile organisms, such as seaweed
Wikipedia - Holliday junction -- Branched nucleic acid structure
Wikipedia - Homology (biology) -- Shared ancestry between a pair of structures or genes in different taxa
Wikipedia - Homology modeling -- Method of protein structure prediction using other known proteins
Wikipedia - Homomorphism -- Structure-preserving map between two algebraic structures of the same type
Wikipedia - Hoover Tower -- 285-foot structure on the campus of Stanford University
Wikipedia - Hornito -- Conical structures built up by lava ejected through an opening in the crust of a lava flow
Wikipedia - House for an Art Lover -- Architectural structure in Glasgow
Wikipedia - Howell Heflin Lock and Dam -- Lock and dam structures
Wikipedia - HTS tentiQ -- German temporary structure company
Wikipedia - Hydraulic empire -- Social or government structure
Wikipedia - Hyperboloid structure
Wikipedia - Hyperpallium -- Structure in the brains of birds
Wikipedia - Hypoplastic right heart syndrome -- Congenital heart disease characterized by underdevelopment of the structures on the right side of the heart commonly associated with atrial septal defect
Wikipedia - Iacono's working set structure
Wikipedia - Ice bridge -- A frozen natural structure formed over seas, bays, rivers or lake surfaces
Wikipedia - Ice pier -- A man-made structure used to assist the unloading of ships in Antarctica
Wikipedia - Icosahedral twins -- Aanostructure appearing for atomic clusters
Wikipedia - Idiom (language structure) -- Syntactical, grammatical, or structural form peculiar to a language
Wikipedia - Igusa variety -- Mathematical structure
Wikipedia - Implant (medicine) -- Medical device manufactured to replace a missing biological structure, support a damaged biological structure, or enhance an existing biological structure
Wikipedia - Indian vernacular architecture -- Informal, functional architecture of structures, often in rural areas of India, built of local materials
Wikipedia - Indoor air quality -- Air quality within and around buildings and structures
Wikipedia - Industrial organization -- Field that examins the structure of firms and markets
Wikipedia - Information extraction -- Automatically extracting structured information from un- or semi-structured machine-readable documents, such as human language texts
Wikipedia - Information infrastructure
Wikipedia - Information structure
Wikipedia - Infraestruturas de Portugal -- public company administering road and rail infrastructure in Portugal
Wikipedia - Infrastructure as a service
Wikipedia - Infrastructure as code
Wikipedia - Infrastructure asset management -- Maintenance of public infrastructure assets
Wikipedia - Infrastructure In Africa
Wikipedia - Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services -- Infrastructure development and finance company
Wikipedia - Infrastructure New Zealand -- Industry association
Wikipedia - Infrastructure policy of Donald Trump -- President Trump's policies for physical infrastructure
Wikipedia - Infrastructure -- Facilities and systems serving society
Wikipedia - Inode pointer structure -- Hierarchy/layout for directing inodes in a Unix File System
Wikipedia - Inode -- Data structure describing a file-system object (e.g. file, directory) that stores the attributes and disk block location(s) of the object data
Wikipedia - Insert (composites) -- Pins, bolts, screws, joints and other structures used with composite panels
Wikipedia - Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure -- 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
Wikipedia - Institution -- Structure or mechanism of social order and cooperation governing the behaviour of a set of individuals within a given community
Wikipedia - Instructure -- American technology company
Wikipedia - Intake -- An opening or structure through which a fluid is admitted to a space or machine
Wikipedia - Integral domain -- Algebraic structure with two binary operations
Wikipedia - Integrated Truss Structure -- Part of the International Space Station; sequence of connected trusses
Wikipedia - Intercalation (chemistry) -- Reversible insertion of an ion into a material with layered structure
Wikipedia - International Geomagnetic Reference Field -- Standard model of the structure of Earth's magnetic field
Wikipedia - Internet of things -- Proposed Internet-like structure connecting everyday physical objects
Wikipedia - Internet of vehicles -- Proposed Internet-like structure connecting road vehicles
Wikipedia - Interrupt vector table -- Data structure
Wikipedia - Interview -- Structured series of questions and answers
Wikipedia - Inverleith House -- Architectural structure in City of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Wikipedia - Inversion (evolutionary biology) -- Hypothesis that during the course of chordate evolution, the structures along the dorsoventral axis have taken on an orientation opposite that of the ancestral form
Wikipedia - Inversion (geology) -- Relative uplift of a sedimentary basin or similar structure as a result of crustal shortening
Wikipedia - Inverted pyramid (architecture) -- Structure in the shape of an upside-down pyramid
Wikipedia - IRB Infrastructure -- Indian road infrastructure company
Wikipedia - Iribarren number -- A dimensionless parameter used to model several effects of breaking surface gravity waves on beaches and coastal structures.
Wikipedia - Irish Section 110 Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) -- Irish zero-tax legal structure
Wikipedia - Ismaning radio transmitter -- Architectural structure
Wikipedia - IT infrastructure deployment
Wikipedia - IT infrastructure
Wikipedia - Jackson Structured Programming
Wikipedia - Jackson structured programming
Wikipedia - Jaw -- Opposable articulated structure at the entrance of the mouth, typically used for grasping and manipulating food; structures constituting the vault of the mouth and serving to open and close it and is part of the body plan of most animals
Wikipedia - JFFS -- Log-structured file system
Wikipedia - Jmol -- Jmol is an open-source Java viewer for chemical structures in 3D
Wikipedia - John Holland Group -- Infrastructure company based in Melbourne, Australia
Wikipedia - John Knox House -- Architectural structure in City of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Wikipedia - John Rankin Lock -- Building and structure in Mississippi
Wikipedia - Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure
Wikipedia - Journaling file system -- File system that keeps track of not yet committed changes in a data structure called a M-bM-^@M-^\journalM-bM-^@M-^] (usually a circular log); when a system crash or power failure occurs, such file systems can be recovered online faster with less corruption
Wikipedia - Juche Tower -- Architectural structure
Wikipedia - Kabardian grammar -- system and structure of the Kabardian language
Wikipedia - Katowice Steelworks -- Architectural structure
Wikipedia - Kehilla (modern) -- Jewish communal structure
Wikipedia - Ketone -- Class of organic compounds having structure RCORM-BM-4
Wikipedia - Kolmogorov structure function
Wikipedia - Kripke structure
Wikipedia - Lacrimal apparatus -- Physiological system containing the orbital structures for tear production and drainage
Wikipedia - Langmuir turbulence -- A turbulent flow with coherent Langmuir circulation structures that exist and evolve over a range of spatial and temporal scales
Wikipedia - Language model -- Statistical model of structure of language
Wikipedia - Large-scale structure of the cosmos
Wikipedia - Lateral epicondyle of the humerus -- Structure of humerus
Wikipedia - Latinism -- Word, idiom, or structure in a language other than Latin that is derived from, or suggestive of, the Latin language
Wikipedia - Lattice (order) -- Abstract structure studied in the mathematical subdisciplines of order theory and abstract algebra
Wikipedia - Lead frame -- Metal structure inside a chip package that carries signals from the die to the outside
Wikipedia - Lean-to -- Simple structure attached to another structure or a simple structure providing shelter with one side open
Wikipedia - Lebanese Council for Development and Reconstruction -- Lebanese governmental organisation involved in repairing infrastructure damaged by war
Wikipedia - Leg -- Weight bearing and locomotive anatomical structure
Wikipedia - Lenin's Mausoleum -- Architectural structure in Red Square, in Moscow, Russia
Wikipedia - Lentiform nucleus -- Structure in the basal ganglia of the brain
Wikipedia - Level Crossing Removal Project -- Infrastructure program of the government of Victoria, Australia
Wikipedia - Lewis structure -- Diagrams for the bonding between atoms of a molecule and lone pairs of electrons
Wikipedia - Ley line -- Straight alignments between historic structures and landmarks
Wikipedia - Liberty Building (Casablanca) -- Infrastructure
Wikipedia - Life Through a Window -- 2014 album by Structures
Wikipedia - Lighthouse -- Structure designed to emit light to aid navigation
Wikipedia - Lightning rod -- Metal rod intended to protect the structure from a lightning strike
Wikipedia - Limb bud -- Structure formed early in vertebrate limb development
Wikipedia - Limbic system -- Set of brain structures involved in emotion and motivation
Wikipedia - Limnological tower -- Structure for the study of aquatic ecosystems
Wikipedia - Linear data structure
Wikipedia - Linear octree -- Data structure tree
Wikipedia - Linguistic determinism -- Idea that language and its structures limit and determine human knowledge or thought
Wikipedia - Linked data structure
Wikipedia - Linked list -- Data structure which is a linear collection of data elements, called nodes, each pointing to the next node by means of a pointer
Wikipedia - Liposome -- Composite structures made of phospholipids and may contain small amounts of other molecules
Wikipedia - Listed building -- Protected historic structure in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - Listicle -- Short-form writing that uses a list as its thematic structure
Wikipedia - List of algebraic structures
Wikipedia - List of Berkeley, California Landmarks, Structures of Merit, and Historic Districts -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of biophysically important macromolecular crystal structures -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Brutalist structures -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of building or structure fires -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of buildings and structures in Cusco -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of buildings and structures in Hayward, California -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of buildings and structures in Puerto Rico -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of buildings and structures in Swansea -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of buildings and structures in Switzerland above 3000 m -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of buildings and structures
Wikipedia - List of Catholic dioceses (structured view) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Coca-Cola buildings and structures -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of countries by age structure -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of data structures -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Erie Railroad structures documented by the Historic American Engineering Record -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of financial institutions that invest in infrastructure -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Googie architecture structures (Canada) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Googie architecture structures (United States) -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of historical structures maintained by the Great Smoky Mountains National Park -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of historic Structures in Oatman, Arizona -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of largest cosmic structures -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of log-structured file systems -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of lost buildings and structures in Toronto -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of main infrastructure projects in Indonesia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ministers of Infrastructure of the Netherlands -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Ministers of Transport and Infrastructure of Turkey -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Northeast Corridor infrastructure -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of oldest buildings and structures in Halifax, Nova Scotia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of oldest buildings and structures in Kitchener-Waterloo area -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of oldest buildings and structures in Metro Manila -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of oldest buildings and structures in Montreal -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of oldest buildings and structures in Toronto -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of oldest structures in Atlanta -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of order structures in mathematics -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of possible impact structures on Earth -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of protein structure prediction software -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of religious buildings and structures of the Kingdom of Mysore -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of Renaissance structures
Wikipedia - List of Sindhudesh Liberation Army attacks on Pakistan infrastructure in Sindh -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of software for nanostructures modeling
Wikipedia - List of structures in London -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest buildings and structures in Belfast -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest buildings and structures in Bristol -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest buildings and structures in Cambridge, Massachusetts -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest buildings and structures in Edinburgh -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest buildings and structures in Egypt -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest buildings and structures in Glasgow -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest buildings and structures in Ipswich -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest buildings and structures in Leeds -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest buildings and structures in Leicester -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest buildings and structures in Liverpool -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest buildings and structures in London -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest buildings and structures in Newcastle upon Tyne -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest buildings and structures in Norwich -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest buildings and structures in Portsmouth -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest buildings and structures in Preston -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest buildings and structures in Sheffield -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest buildings and structures in Southampton -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest buildings and structures in the Indian subcontinent -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest buildings and structures in the London Borough of Croydon -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest buildings and structures in the world
Wikipedia - List of tallest buildings and structures -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest destroyed buildings and structures in the United Kingdom -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest freestanding steel structures -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest freestanding structures -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest structures - 300 to 400 metres -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest structures - 400 to 500 metres -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest structures built before the 20th century -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest structures by country -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest structures in Africa -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest structures in Austria -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest structures in Central Asia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest structures in China -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest structures in India -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest structures in Iran -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest structures in Ireland -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest structures in Japan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest structures in Kosovo -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest structures in New Zealand -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest structures in Serbia -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest structures in Thailand -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest structures in the Commonwealth of Nations -- wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest structures in the United Kingdom -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest structures in Uzbekistan -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest structures -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - List of tallest twin buildings and structures -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of terms relating to algorithms and data structures
Wikipedia - List of the oldest buildings and structures in Hong Kong -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - List of visionary tall buildings and structures -- Wikipedia list article
Wikipedia - Lists of buildings and structures -- Wikimedia list article
Wikipedia - Lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary -- A level representing a mechanical difference between layers in EarthM-bM-^@M-^Ys inner structure
Wikipedia - Little Cross -- Architectural structure in Moray, Scotland, UK
Wikipedia - Local municipality (South Africa) -- Third level government structure in South Africa by contrast to metropolitan municipality
Wikipedia - Log-structured File System (BSD)
Wikipedia - Log-structured file system
Wikipedia - Log-structured merge-tree
Wikipedia - Longitudinal framing -- Type of ship hull structure
Wikipedia - Low-energy electron diffraction -- A technique for the determination of the surface structure of single-crystalline materials
Wikipedia - Manifold (fluid mechanics) -- Structure that splits or combines fluid flow into channels
Wikipedia - Marble Boat -- Structure in Beijing, China
Wikipedia - Marine engineering -- Engineering of boats, ships, oil rigs or other marine vessel or structure
Wikipedia - Marine geology -- The study of the history and structure of the ocean floor
Wikipedia - Market cross -- Structure marking a market square
Wikipedia - Market microstructure -- Branch of finance
Wikipedia - Market structure
Wikipedia - Masonry -- The building of structures from individual units of stone, brick, or block
Wikipedia - Mass in B minor structure -- Structure of the movements in Bach's Mass in B minor
Wikipedia - Master/slave (BDSM) -- consensual authority-exchange structured sexual relationship
Wikipedia - Mathematical structure
Wikipedia - Mathematics of general relativity -- Mathematical structures and techniques used in the theory of general relativity.
Wikipedia - Matrioshka brain -- hypothetical megastructure of immense computational capacity
Wikipedia - Matroid -- Abstract structure that models and generalizes linear independency
Wikipedia - Mechanics of structures
Wikipedia - Median umbilical ligament -- Structure in human anatomy
Wikipedia - Megalithic architectural elements -- Architectural elements typical of European megalithic structures
Wikipedia - Megalith -- Large stone used to build a structure or monument
Wikipedia - Megastructure
Wikipedia - Merkle tree -- Type of data structure
Wikipedia - Messenger RNA decapping -- Removal of the 5' cap structure on mRNA
Wikipedia - Metamictisation -- Internal alpha irradiation due to radioactive elements leading to the destruction of a mineral's crystal structure
Wikipedia - Metamorphosis -- Profound change in body structure during the postembryonic development of an organism
Wikipedia - Metre (poetry) -- Basic rhythmic structure of a verse or lines in verse
Wikipedia - Metric Structures for Riemannian and Non-Riemannian Spaces -- Book by Michail Gromov
Wikipedia - MetroCentre (shopping centre) -- Architectural structure
Wikipedia - Michell structures -- Structures that are optimal based on the criteria defined by A.G.M. Michell
Wikipedia - Microstructure -- Very small scale structure of material
Wikipedia - Middelburg Bastion -- Historical structure in Malacca, Malaysia
Wikipedia - Midgut -- Embryonic structure from which most of the intestines develop
Wikipedia - Military Engineer Services -- Military infrastructure organisation
Wikipedia - Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure (Saskatchewan) -- Ministry in Saskatchewan, Canada
Wikipedia - Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Energy -- Government ministry of Kiribati
Wikipedia - Ministry of Infrastructure (Poland) -- Infrastructure ministry of Poland
Wikipedia - Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (Albania) -- Albanian government agency
Wikipedia - Mixed Hodge structure -- Algebraic structure
Wikipedia - MnPASS -- Toll structure
Wikipedia - Mobile launcher platform -- Structure used to support large rockets during assembly, transportation to the launch pad, and during launch
Wikipedia - Model theory -- Study of the structure of formal languages by means of their logical interpretation.
Wikipedia - Modular construction -- Structure of the building
Wikipedia - Molecular Structure of Nucleic Acids: A Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid
Wikipedia - Monastery of the Virgins -- Structure uncovered during Benjamin Mazar's excavations south of Jerusalem's Temple Mount
Wikipedia - Monoid ring -- Algebraic structure
Wikipedia - Monoid -- Algebraic structure with an associative operation and an identity element
Wikipedia - Monopoly -- Market structure with a single firm dominating the market
Wikipedia - Montaza Palace -- Architectural structure in Alexandria, Egypt
Wikipedia - Monument to the children in Yad Vashem -- architectural structure in Israel
Wikipedia - Monument -- Type of structure either explicitly created to commemorate a person or important event
Wikipedia - Mooring -- Any permanent structure to which a vessel may be secured
Wikipedia - Morphology (biology) -- In biology, the form and structure of organisms
Wikipedia - Multi-function structure
Wikipedia - Multiple patterning -- Technique used to increase the number of structures a microchip may contain
Wikipedia - Municipal Inn -- Historic structure in Davenport, Iowa
Wikipedia - Muscle spindle -- Innervated muscle structure involved in reflex actions and proprioception
Wikipedia - Musical form -- Structure or plan of a piece of music
Wikipedia - Mytheme -- Fundamental generic unit of narrative structure
Wikipedia - Naikan -- Structured method of self-reflection developed by Yoshimoto Ishin
Wikipedia - Named-entity recognition -- Extraction of named entity mentions in unstructured text into pre-defined categories
Wikipedia - Nanolithography -- Used to create structures that only measure nanometers
Wikipedia - Nanoscopic scale -- Refers to structures with a length scale applicable to nanotechnology, usually cited as 1-100 nanometers
Wikipedia - Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects -- Peer-reviewed scientific journal
Wikipedia - Nanostructures
Wikipedia - Napoleonite -- A variety of diorite with orbicular structure
Wikipedia - Narrative structure -- Literary element
Wikipedia - National Highways and Infrastructure Development Corporation Limited -- An Indian government owned company
Wikipedia - National Information Exchange Model -- Common vocabulary and structure for government information exchange
Wikipedia - National Information Infrastructure
Wikipedia - National Infrastructure Advisory Council
Wikipedia - National Infrastructure Security Co-ordination Centre -- Inter-departmental centre of the UK government
Wikipedia - Natural heritage -- Elements of biodiversity, including flora and fauna, ecosystems and geological structures
Wikipedia - Neocortex -- Mammalian structure involved in higher-order brain functions
Wikipedia - Network Rail -- State-owned company that manages rail infrastructure in Great Britain
Wikipedia - Network topology -- Arrangement of the various elements of a computer network; topological structure of a network and may be depicted physically or logically
Wikipedia - Neuroanatomy of memory -- Variety of structures in the brain related to memory
Wikipedia - NeuroNames -- An integrated nomenclature for structures in the brain and spinal cord of the four species most studied by neuroscientists: human, macaque, rat and mouse
Wikipedia - Neutron diffraction -- Application of neutron scattering to the determination of the atomic and/or magnetic structure of a material
Wikipedia - New Family Structures Study -- Controversial study by Mark Regnerus
Wikipedia - New Zealand Infrastructure Commission -- National oversight and planning agency
Wikipedia - Next Generation 9-1-1 -- Initiative aimed at updating 9-1-1 service infrastructure
Wikipedia - Nicolaus Copernicus Monument, Montreal -- Structure in Montreal
Wikipedia - Nilometer -- Structure for measuring the Nile River's clarity and [[water level]] during the annual flood season
Wikipedia - Noncommutative ring -- Algebraic structure
Wikipedia - Non-reformist reform -- Reforms that challenge the existing power structure
Wikipedia - Non-structured programming
Wikipedia - Nuclear physics -- Field of physics that deals with the structure and behavior of atomic nuclei
Wikipedia - Nuclear structure -- The structure of the atomic nucleus
Wikipedia - Nucleic acid double helix -- Structure formed by double-stranded molecules
Wikipedia - Nucleic acid structure determination -- experimental process
Wikipedia - Nucleic acid structure prediction -- Computational prediction of nucleic acid structure
Wikipedia - Nucleolus -- Largest structure in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells
Wikipedia - Nussinov algorithm -- Nucleic acid structure prediction algorithm
Wikipedia - Obelisco de Buenos Aires -- Architectural structure
Wikipedia - Offices in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth -- Organizational and administrative structure of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Wikipedia - Offshore construction -- Installation of structures and facilities in a marine environment
Wikipedia - Offshore geotechnical engineering -- A sub-field of engineering concerned with human-made structures in the sea
Wikipedia - Offshore radio -- Radio broadcasting from ships or fixed maritime structures
Wikipedia - Offshore Structures (Britain) Ltd. -- A marine offshore structure foundation manufacture
Wikipedia - Off-the-grid -- System and lifestyle designed to help people function without a remote infrastructure, such as an electrical grid
Wikipedia - Ohel (Chabad-Lubavitch) -- Open-air structure of graves of the last two Lubavitcher Rebbes in New York City, USA
Wikipedia - Oil platform -- Large offshore structure with oil drilling and related facilities
Wikipedia - Oligarchy -- Form of power structure in which power rests with a small number of people
Wikipedia - One Nation (infrastructure) -- Australian government infrastructure development program
Wikipedia - Open Grid Services Infrastructure
Wikipedia - Open Management Infrastructure
Wikipedia - OpenNebula -- Cloud computing platform for managing heterogeneous distributed data center infrastructures
Wikipedia - Open protein structure annotation network
Wikipedia - OpenStructures
Wikipedia - Operculum (gastropod) -- A hard structure which closes the aperture of a gastropod when the animal retreats into the shell
Wikipedia - Optimal substructure
Wikipedia - Ordered semigroup -- Algebraic structure
Wikipedia - Organizational structure
Wikipedia - Orphan structure -- Legal entity where the equity is owned by no-one
Wikipedia - Osteoderm -- Bony structures in the dermis
Wikipedia - Outhouse -- Small structure, separate from a main building, which covers a toilet
Wikipedia - Outline of algebraic structures
Wikipedia - Outline of American politics -- Overview of political parties and government structure
Wikipedia - Outline of Washington infrastructure -- Overview of and topical guide to infrastructure of the U.S. state of Washington
Wikipedia - Outrigger -- Projecting structure on a boat
Wikipedia - Overhead power line -- Above-ground structure for bulk transfer and distribution of electricity
Wikipedia - Overtoun Bridge -- category B-listed structure over the Overtoun Burn leading to Overtoun House
Wikipedia - Ovipositor -- Anatomical structure for laying eggs
Wikipedia - PAGEV RNA motif -- RNA structure
Wikipedia - Pagoda mast -- Distinctive superstructure of the Imperial Japanese Navy ships of World War II
Wikipedia - Palace of Fine Arts -- Monumental structure in San Francisco, California
Wikipedia - Palestine Arab Congress -- Formal structure representing Muslim-Christian Associations
Wikipedia - Parenthesome -- Cell structure in fungi
Wikipedia - Parshall flume -- Hydraulic structure for measuring fluid flow
Wikipedia - Partially guyed tower -- Tower structure
Wikipedia - Paseo del Buen Pastor -- Structure in Cordoba, Argentina
Wikipedia - Patagium -- Membranous structure that assists an animal in gliding or flight
Wikipedia - Pavement (architecture) -- Stone or tile structure which can serve as floor; pavement type with solid blocks
Wikipedia - Pawn structure -- Configuration of pawns on the chessboard in a position
Wikipedia - Pedestrian separation structure
Wikipedia - Pedicel (botany) -- A structure connecting flowers or fruit to the main stem of a plant
Wikipedia - Pelvic floor -- Anatomical structure
Wikipedia - Penstock -- Intake structure that controls water flow to turbines or sewerage systems
Wikipedia - Perfect competition -- Market structure in which firms are price takers for a homogenous product
Wikipedia - Perineum -- Region of the body including the perineal body and surrounding structures
Wikipedia - Periodic table (crystal structure)
Wikipedia - Perl language structure
Wikipedia - Persistent data structure -- Data structure that always preserves the previous version of itself when it is modified
Wikipedia - Petrology -- The branch of geology that studies the origin, composition, distribution and structure of rocks
Wikipedia - Pharyngeal arch -- Embryonic precursor structures in vertebrates
Wikipedia - Phonehenge West -- Former folk art structure in Acton, California, USA
Wikipedia - Photonic crystal -- Periodic optical nanostructure that affects the motion of photons
Wikipedia - Photonics and Nanostructures: Fundamentals and Applications -- Journal
Wikipedia - PhotoRC RNA motifs -- Conserved RNA structures related to photosynthesis
Wikipedia - Phrase structure grammar
Wikipedia - Phrase-structure grammar
Wikipedia - Phrase structure rules
Wikipedia - Phycobilisome -- Light-energy harvesting structure in cyanobacteria and red algae
Wikipedia - Physical symbol system -- System that takes physical patterns and combines them into structures and manipulates them
Wikipedia - Pieniny Klippen Belt -- Zone in the Western Carpathians, with a very complex geological structure
Wikipedia - Pier -- Raised structure in a body of water, typically supported by well-spaced piles or pillars
Wikipedia - Pissoir -- Structure that provides screening of urinals
Wikipedia - Pituitary stalk -- Anatomical structure
Wikipedia - Placental cotyledon -- Vascular structure in the placenta
Wikipedia - Placentation -- Formation and structure of the placenta
Wikipedia - Plain old data structure
Wikipedia - Planetary surface construction -- Construction of structures on planetary surface
Wikipedia - Plant anatomy -- Study of the internal structure of plants
Wikipedia - Plasmodium (life cycle) -- Living structure of cytoplasm that contains many nuclei
Wikipedia - Plasmoid -- Coherent structure of plasma and magnetic fields
Wikipedia - Plateau's laws -- Set of mathematical rules governing the structure of soap films
Wikipedia - Platform cooperative -- Business structure type
Wikipedia - Platform mound -- Earthwork or mound intended to support a structure or activity
Wikipedia - Pointer structure
Wikipedia - Political structure
Polytunnel - A polytunnel (also known as a polyhouse, hoop greenhouse or hoophouse, grow tunnel or high tunnel) is a tunnel typically made from steel and covered in polyethylene, usually semi-circular, square or elongated in shape. The interior heats up because incoming solar radiation from the sun warms plants, soil, and other things inside the building faster than heat can escape the structure. Air warmed by the heat from hot interior surfaces is retained in the building by the roof and wall.
Wikipedia - Polymorphism (materials science) -- Ability of a solid material to exist in more than one form or crystal structure
Wikipedia - Polynomial ring -- Algebraic structure
Wikipedia - Polyproline helix -- Type of protein secondary structure
Wikipedia - Polysome -- Multiribosomal structure organized into a linear array of ribosomes held together by messenger RNA
Wikipedia - Poop deck -- Deck that forms the roof of a cabin built in the aft part of the superstructure of a ship
Wikipedia - Population genetics -- Study of genetic differences within and between populations including the study of adaptation, speciation, and population structure
Wikipedia - Portal (architecture) -- Access opening in a wall of a structure
Wikipedia - Potemkin village -- Structure built solely to deceive others into thinking that a situation is better than it really is
Wikipedia - Power structure
Wikipedia - Precambrian body plans -- Structure and development of early multicellular organisms
Wikipedia - Prechordal plate -- Anatomical structure of the embryo
Wikipedia - Precision tests of QED -- Verifying quantum electrodynamics via multiple measurements of the fine-structure constant
Wikipedia - Pregeometry (physics) -- Structure from which geometry arises
Wikipedia - Presidential Emergency Operations Center -- Bunker-like structure underneath the East Wing of the White House
Wikipedia - Primary structure
Wikipedia - Primitive cell -- Minimum volume cell (a unit cell) corresponding to a single lattice point of a structure with discrete translational symmetry
Wikipedia - Primitive node -- Organisational structure in early vertebrate embryogenesis
Wikipedia - Primitive streak -- Structure in early amniote embryogenesis
Wikipedia - Principal ideal domain -- Algebraic structure
Wikipedia - Procedure word -- A structured vocabulary for voice communication
Wikipedia - Process control block -- Data structure in the operating system kernel containing the information needed to manage a particular process
Wikipedia - Product breakdown structure -- Tool for analysing, documenting and communicating the outcomes of a project
Wikipedia - Protein folding -- Change of a linear protein chain to a 3D structure
Wikipedia - Protein primary structure -- Linear sequence of amino acids in a peptide or protein
Wikipedia - Protein quaternary structure -- Number and arrangement of multiple folded protein subunits in a multi-subunit complex
Wikipedia - Protein secondary structure -- General three-dimensional form of local segments of proteins
Wikipedia - Protein structure prediction
Wikipedia - Protein structure -- Three-dimensional arrangement of atoms in an amino acid-chain molecule
Wikipedia - Protein tertiary structure -- Three dimensional shape of a protein
Wikipedia - Protocol implementation conformance statement -- structured document specifying standards compliance
Wikipedia - Pseudoknot -- Nucleic acid secondary structure
Wikipedia - Public infrastructure
Wikipedia - Public Key Infrastructure
Wikipedia - Public key infrastructure
Wikipedia - Public works -- Broad category of infrastructure projects, financed and constructed by the government
Wikipedia - Purely functional data structure
Wikipedia - Putamen -- Round structure at the base of the forebrain
Wikipedia - PYLIS downstream sequence -- Structure on some mRNA sequences
Wikipedia - Pyramid of the Moon -- Pyramid structure in Mexico
Wikipedia - Pyramid of the Sun -- Pyramid structure in Mexico
Wikipedia - Pyramid -- Structure shaped as a geometric pyramid
Wikipedia - Pyrobac-1 RNA motif -- Conserved RNA structure
Wikipedia - Qahal -- Theocratic organizational structure in ancient Israelite society
Wikipedia - Quadtree -- Tree data structure in which each internal node has exactly four children
Wikipedia - Qualifying investor alternative investment fund -- Irish zero-tax legal structure
Wikipedia - Quartal and quintal harmony -- Types of harmonic structures in music
Wikipedia - Quasicrystal -- Chemical structure
Wikipedia - Quaternary structure
Wikipedia - Queue (data structure)
Wikipedia - Quinone -- Compounds having a fully conjugated cyclic dione structure
Wikipedia - Quonset hut -- Lightweight prefabricated structure
Wikipedia - Radial spoke -- Structure in undulipodium
Wikipedia - Radio masts and towers -- Tall structure designed to support antennas
Wikipedia - Raft -- Flat structure for support or transportation over water
Wikipedia - RaiA-hairpin RNA motif -- Structure in some nucleic acids
Wikipedia - RaiA RNA motif -- Structure in nucleic acids
Wikipedia - Railtrack -- British railway infrastructure owner and manager (1994-2002)
Wikipedia - Rail transport in Ireland -- Transport Infrastructure
Wikipedia - Rail transport operations -- Railway rolling stock and infrastructure
Wikipedia - Ramification (mathematics) -- The branching out of a mathematical structure
Wikipedia - Raster graphics -- Dot matrix data structure
Wikipedia - Recapitalization -- Reorganization of a company's capital structure
Wikipedia - REC Limited -- Indian public sector rural electricity infrastructure finance company
Wikipedia - Regions and Powers: The Structure of International Security -- 2003 book by Barry Buzan and Ole Waever
Wikipedia - Regularity structure -- Framework for studying stochastic partial differential equations
Wikipedia - Religious denomination -- Identifiable religious subgroup with a common structure and doctrine
Wikipedia - Representation (mathematics) -- In mathematics, an object whose endomorphisms are isomorphic to another structure
Wikipedia - Representation theorem -- A proof that every structure with certain properties is isomorphic to another structure
Wikipedia - Representation theory -- Branch of mathematics that studies abstract algebraic structures
Wikipedia - Resilience (engineering and construction) -- Infrastructure design able to absorb damage without suffering complete failure
Wikipedia - Resource Interchange File Format -- Tagged file structure for multimedia resource files
Wikipedia - ReStructuredText -- Lightweight markup language
Wikipedia - Restructuring -- Act of reorganizing the legal, ownership, operational, or other structures of a company
Wikipedia - Revolutionary Infrastructure -- Policy of the Communist Party of Vietnam
Wikipedia - Reward system -- Group of neural structures responsible for motivation and desire
Wikipedia - Rhabdite -- Structures in some cells of turbellarians and nemerteans
Wikipedia - Rhetorical structure theory
Wikipedia - Rhythm of Structure
Wikipedia - Ribbon diagram -- 3D schematic representation of protein structure
Wikipedia - Riemann-Roch theorem for smooth manifolds -- Version without requiring the smooth manifolds involved to carry a complex structure
Wikipedia - Ring (mathematics) -- Algebraic structure with addition and multiplication
Wikipedia - Ringwork -- A form of fortified defensive structure
Wikipedia - Ripple marks -- Wave structures created in sediments by bottom current
Wikipedia - R-loop -- Three-stranded nucleic acid structure, composed of a DNA:RNA hybrid and the associated non-template single-stranded DNA.
Wikipedia - Road pricing -- Revenue generation for road infrastructure
Wikipedia - Robert Otzen -- German infrastructure engineer
Wikipedia - Rock-cut architecture -- The creation of structures, buildings, and sculptures by excavating solid rock
Wikipedia - Rock microstructure -- The texture of a rock and the small scale rock structures
Wikipedia - Roman theatre (structure)
Wikipedia - Ronald A. Boxall -- Joint Staff Director for Force Structure, Resources, and Assessment
Wikipedia - Rope (data structure)
Wikipedia - Sagittarius Stream -- Structure of stars
Wikipedia - Saint Petersburg TV Tower -- Architectural structure
Wikipedia - Sakhizari Cliff Natural Monument -- Complex geologic structure in Georgia
Wikipedia - Salvage diving -- The diving work associated with the recovery of vehicles, cargo and structures
Wikipedia - Salvation Army Headquarters (Saint Paul, Minnesota) -- A historic structure
Wikipedia - Sanctuary of the Three Gauls -- Focal structure built by Rome in Lyon, France
Wikipedia - Saturation system -- A surface hyperbaric complex including a living chamber, transfer chamber, closed diving bell and the infrastructure to operate them
Wikipedia - Saudi-Egypt Causeway -- Proposed structure in the Strait of Tiran
Wikipedia - Scaffolding -- A temporary structure used to support a work crew and materials
Wikipedia - Scheme (linguistics) -- figure of speech that relies on the structure and syntax of sentences
Wikipedia - Scleral spur -- An annular structure composed of collagen in the human eye
Wikipedia - Scrotum -- Anatomical male reproductive structure that consists of a suspended sack of skin surrounding the testicles
Wikipedia - Scutellum (insect anatomy) -- Anatomical structure on insects
Wikipedia - Seaborne target -- Ships or floating structures shot at for practice
Wikipedia - Secondary structure
Wikipedia - Secretary of State for Infrastructure, Transport and Housing -- Official of the Ministry of Development of the Government of Spain
Wikipedia - Seismic retrofit -- Modification of existing structures to make them more resistant to seismic activity
Wikipedia - Seismite -- Sediment/structure shaken seismically
Wikipedia - Semi-structured data
Wikipedia - Semi-structured interview
Wikipedia - Semi-structured model
Wikipedia - Sentence diagram -- Pictorial representation of the grammatical structure of a sentence
Wikipedia - Sentence structure
Wikipedia - Septum -- Biological term for a wall dividing a cavity or structure
Wikipedia - Sequencing -- In genetics and biochemistry, determining the structure of an unbranched biopolymer
Wikipedia - Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks -- Jointly administered management structure of Sequoia National Park and Kings Canyon National Park in California, United States
Wikipedia - Serpin -- Superfamily of proteins with similar structures and diverse functions
Wikipedia - Service structure -- Structure built on a rocket launch pad to service launch vehicles
Wikipedia - Set data structure
Wikipedia - Sewerage -- Infrastructure that conveys sewage or surface runoff using sewers
Wikipedia - Shark-proof cage -- A metal structure to protect divers and snorkellers from potentially dangerous sharks
Wikipedia - Shepheard's Hotel -- Historical, architectural structure of Egypt
Wikipedia - Ship classification society -- Organisation establishing technical standards for ships and offshore structures
Wikipedia - Siege tower -- Mobile structure for attacking walls
Wikipedia - Silo -- Structure for storing crops
Wikipedia - Siphon (mollusc) -- Anatomical structure which is part of the body of some aquatic molluscs
Wikipedia - Site reliability engineering -- Discipline that incorporates aspects of software engineering and applies them to infrastructure and operations problems
Wikipedia - Siuslaw jetties -- Structures at the entrance of the Siuslaw River
Wikipedia - Skeleton -- Part of the body that forms the supporting structure of an organism
Wikipedia - Skeuomorph -- Derivative object retaining attributes from structures that were inherent to the original
Wikipedia - Skull -- Bony structure that forms the head in vertebrates
Wikipedia - Skyhook (structure) -- Proposed momentum exchange tether
Wikipedia - SkyWay Group -- Russian-originated infrastructure firm
Wikipedia - Smut (fungus) -- Reproductive structure of fungi
Wikipedia - Social class in the United Kingdom -- Social structure in a country
Wikipedia - Social network analysis -- Analysis of social structures using network and graph theory
Wikipedia - Social network -- Social structure made up of a set of social actors
Wikipedia - Social order -- Set or system of linked social structures, institutions, relations, customs, values and practices
Wikipedia - Social status -- Position within social structure
Wikipedia - Social structure of China
Wikipedia - Social structure of Romania
Wikipedia - Social structures
Wikipedia - Social structure -- Sociological classification of human societies according to their social characteristics
Wikipedia - Soft lithography -- Techniques that create structures using stamps
Wikipedia - Software architecture -- High level structures of a software system
Wikipedia - Soil structure
Wikipedia - Sound change -- Process of language change affecting pronunciation or sound system structure
Wikipedia - Souterrain -- Underground structure associated mainly with the Atlantic Iron Age
Wikipedia - South Pole Wall -- Massive cosmic structure
Wikipedia - Space frame -- Rigid three dimensional load bearing truss structure
Wikipedia - Space (mathematics) -- Mathematical set with some added structure
Wikipedia - SpaceX Mars transportation infrastructure
Wikipedia - Spaghetti code -- Software source code with poor structure
Wikipedia - Spandau Citadel -- Well-preserved Renaissance military structure in Berlin
Wikipedia - Spanish Supercomputing Network -- Distributed infrastructure involving the interconnection of 12 supercomputers in Spain
Wikipedia - Spartan Constitution -- Document outlining the structure of ancient Spartan government
Wikipedia - Spatial frequency -- Characteristic of any structure that is periodic across a position in space
Wikipedia - Speleothem -- A structure formed in a cave by the deposition of minerals from water
Wikipedia - Spillway -- Structure for controlled release of flows from a dam or levee
Wikipedia - Spinal cord -- Long, tubular central nervous system structure in the vertebral column
Wikipedia - SpoleM-DM-^Mnost s ruM-DM-^Menim omezenM-CM-=m -- Czech Republic legal structure for a private limited liability company
Wikipedia - Stack (data structure)
Wikipedia - Stack data structure
Wikipedia - Steep structure -- Zones of high strain characterised by the rotation of regional foliation into subvertical attitude
Wikipedia - Stenosis -- Abnormal narrowing of a blood vessel or other tubular organ or structure
Wikipedia - Steroid -- Any organic compound having sterane as a core structure
Wikipedia - Stickelberger's theorem -- Gives information about the Galois module structure of class groups of cyclotomic fields
Wikipedia - Stile -- Structure which provides people a passage through or over a fence or boundary
Wikipedia - Stilts (architecture) -- Poles, posts or pillars that raise a structure above ground or water level
Wikipedia - St Leonard's Tower, West Malling -- Grade I listed architectural structure in the United Kingdom
Wikipedia - St. Louis Jain temple -- Structure constructed for the 1904 St. Louis World's fair
Wikipedia - Stochastic portfolio theory -- A mathematical theory for analyzing stock market structure and portfolio behavior
Wikipedia - Stonemasonry -- creation of buildings, structures, and sculpture using stone
Wikipedia - Stones Corner Air Raid Shelter -- Heritage listed structure in Brisbane, Australia
Wikipedia - Storm drain -- Infrastructure for draining excess rain and ground water from impervious surfaces such as paved streets
Wikipedia - Strange loop -- Cyclic structure that goes through several levels in a hierarchical system.
Wikipedia - Stratoscale -- A data center software solution provider with hyperconverged infrastructure
Wikipedia - Strike-slip tectonics -- Structure and processes associated with zones of lateral displacement in the Earth's crust
Wikipedia - StrM-CM-)py-Thieu boat lift -- Architectural structure, Belgium
Wikipedia - Strobilus -- Sporangia-bearing reproductive structure in some land plants
Wikipedia - Stromatolite -- Layered sedimentary structures formed by the growth of bacteria or algae
Wikipedia - Structural analog -- Compound having a structure similar to that of another compound, but differing from it in respect to a certain component
Wikipedia - Structural analysis -- Determination of the effects of loads on physical structures and their members
Wikipedia - Structural biology -- Study of molecular structures in biology
Wikipedia - Structural fracture mechanics -- Field of structural engineering concerned with load-carrying structures with one or more failed or damaged components
Wikipedia - Structural integrity and failure -- Engineering event in which the structural integrity of a construction is compromised due to failure of components of the structure
Wikipedia - Structuralism -- Theory that elements of human culture must be understood in terms of their relationship to a larger, overarching system or structure
Wikipedia - Structure-agency debate
Wikipedia - Structure and agency
Wikipedia - Structure and Interpretation of Classical Mechanics -- Textbook by Gerald Jay Sussman and Jack Wisdom with Meinhard E. Mayer
Wikipedia - Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs -- Computer science textbook
Wikipedia - Structure-based drug design
Wikipedia - Structure chart
Wikipedia - Structured Analysis and Design Technique
Wikipedia - Structured analysis and design technique
Wikipedia - Structured Analysis
Wikipedia - Structured analysis
Wikipedia - Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV
Wikipedia - Structured cognitive behavioral training
Wikipedia - Structured concurrency
Wikipedia - Structured data analysis (statistics)
Wikipedia - Structured data
Wikipedia - Structured Design
Wikipedia - Structured design
Wikipedia - Structured document
Wikipedia - Structured English
Wikipedia - Structured entity relationship model
Wikipedia - Structured finance
Wikipedia - Structured grid
Wikipedia - Structured interviews
Wikipedia - Structured interview
Wikipedia - Structured prediction -- supervised machine learning techniques
Wikipedia - Structured Programming
Wikipedia - Structured programming -- Programming paradigm aimed at improving clarity, quality, and development time by using control structures
Wikipedia - Structured program theorem -- Control flow graphs with 3 types of control structures can compute any computable function
Wikipedia - Structured Query Language
Wikipedia - Structured storage
Wikipedia - Structured Stream Transport -- experimental transport protocol
Wikipedia - Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method
Wikipedia - Structured systems analysis and design method
Wikipedia - Structured text
Wikipedia - Structured type
Wikipedia - Structured Word Inquiry
Wikipedia - Structure editor
Wikipedia - Structure factor -- Mathematical description in crystallography
Wikipedia - Structure formation -- Formation of galaxies, galaxy clusters and larger structures from small early density fluctuations
Wikipedia - Structure mapping engine
Wikipedia - Structure-mapping theory
Wikipedia - Structure (mathematical logic) -- Mapping of mathematical formulas to a particular meaning, in universal algebra and in model theory
Wikipedia - Structure of Earth
Wikipedia - Structure of Intellect
Wikipedia - Structure of liquids and glasses -- The atomic-scale non-crystalline structure of liquids and glasses
Wikipedia - Structure of Management Information
Wikipedia - Structure of NATO -- organizational structure
Wikipedia - Structure of observed learning outcome -- Model of levels of increasing complexity in understanding
Wikipedia - Structure of the Earth
Wikipedia - Structure of the United States Army
Wikipedia - Structure of the United States Navy
Wikipedia - Structures (band) -- Canadian band
Wikipedia - Structures built by animals
Wikipedia - Structure, Sign, and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences
Wikipedia - Structure validation
Wikipedia - Structure -- Arrangement and organization of interrelated elements in an object or system, or the object or system so organized
Wikipedia - Stupa -- Mound-like structure containing Buddhist relics, used as a place of meditation
Wikipedia - Style sheet language -- Computer language that expresses the presentation of structured documents
Wikipedia - Stylet (anatomy) -- Hard, sharp, anatomical structure found in some invertebrates
Wikipedia - Subject-verb-object -- Sentence structure where the subject comes 1st, the verb 2nd, the object 3rd (e.g. M-bM-^@M-^\I ate a pieM-bM-^@M-^]); the default word order in English as well as Cantonese, French, Hausa, Italian, Malay, Mandarin, Russian, Spanish, etc.
Wikipedia - Substantia nigra -- Structure in the basal ganglia of the brain
Wikipedia - Substituted amphetamine -- Class of compounds based upon the amphetamine structure
Wikipedia - Substructure search
Wikipedia - Subsumption lattice -- Mathematical structure
Wikipedia - Subversion -- Attempt to transform the established social order and its structures
Wikipedia - Succinct data structure
Wikipedia - Suicide bridge -- Type of structure used frequently to commit suicide
Wikipedia - Sulcus limitans -- Structure in the human brain
Wikipedia - Superstructure -- Upward extension of an existing structure above a baseline; structure above the deck of a ship
Wikipedia - Sustainable Development Goal 9 -- Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Wikipedia - Sustainable urban infrastructure
Wikipedia - Sweat gland -- Small tubular structures of the skin that produce sweat; a type of exocrine gland, which are glands that produce and secrete substances onto an epithelial surface by way of a duct.
Wikipedia - Sydney Tower -- Tall architectural structure in Sydney, Australia
Wikipedia - Symbol table -- Data structure used by a language translator such as a compiler or Interpreter
Wikipedia - Syntactic Structures
Wikipedia - Syntactic structure
Wikipedia - Ta' Ganu Windmill -- 18th-century structure in Malta
Wikipedia - Tag question -- Grammatical structure which turns a statement into a question
Wikipedia - Tajbeg Palace -- Architectural structure
Wikipedia - Tallest freestanding structure
Wikipedia - Tanners Hall -- Historic structure in Gloucester, England
Wikipedia - Technostructure -- Bureaucrats which shape an organisations's economy
Wikipedia - Tectonics -- The processes that control the structure and properties of the Earth's crust and its evolution through time
Wikipedia - Tekla Structures
Wikipedia - Telecommunications in Nigeria -- communications infrastructure of Nigeria
Wikipedia - Template:Molecular formula index -- list of chemical structure articles associated with the same molecular formula
Wikipedia - Template talk:Common Language Infrastructure
Wikipedia - Template talk:Data structures
Wikipedia - Temple in Jerusalem -- A series of structures which were located on the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem
Wikipedia - Temple -- Structure reserved for religious or spiritual activities
Wikipedia - Tensile structure
Wikipedia - Terminologia Embryologica -- Standardized list of words used in the description of human embryologic and fetal structures
Wikipedia - Terraform (software) -- Open-source software for defining and provisioning a datacenter infrastructure using configuration files
Wikipedia - Tertiary structure
Wikipedia - Tetrapod (structure) -- Concrete breakwater element
Wikipedia - TeX Directory Structure
Wikipedia - Thagomizer -- Spiked structure on the tails of dinosaurs of the family Stegosauridae
Wikipedia - Theater (structure) -- Performing arts venue (building)
Wikipedia - The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life
Wikipedia - The Boring Company -- American infrastructure and tunneling company
Wikipedia - The Don CeSar -- Architectural structure in St. Pete Beach, Florida
Wikipedia - The Elementary Structures of Kinship
Wikipedia - The Gatehouse at Bonds Mill -- World War II defensive structure at Stonehouse, Gloucestershire
Wikipedia - The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory -- Book by Noam Chomsky
Wikipedia - Theme Building -- Iconic structure at California's Los Angeles International Airport
Wikipedia - The Structure and Biology of Arctic Flowering Plants -- English language scientific monograph series on arctic flowering plants
Wikipedia - The Structure of Science -- 1961 book by Ernest Nagel
Wikipedia - The Structure of Scientific Revolutions -- 1962 book by Thomas S. Kuhn
Wikipedia - The Structure of Social Action
Wikipedia - The Writer's Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers
Wikipedia - Thin-film optics -- Branch of optics that deals with very thin structured layers of different materials
Wikipedia - Thin-shell structure
Wikipedia - Thomas Kennedy House (Paris, Kentucky) -- Residential structure
Wikipedia - Three-act structure -- Dramatic structure
Wikipedia - Thrust tectonics -- Study of the structures formed by, and the tectonic processes associated with, the shortening and thickening of the crust
Wikipedia - Time crystal -- structure that repeats in time, as well as space; a kind of non-equilibrium matter
Wikipedia - Tomb of Hafez -- Memorial structure in Shiraz, Iran
Wikipedia - Toothcomb -- A dental structure found in some mammals, comprising a group of front teeth arranged in a manner that facilitates grooming
Wikipedia - Tooth -- Hard, calcified structure found in the jaws (or mouths) of many vertebrates and used to break down food
Wikipedia - Top five play-offs -- Play-off structure used in rugby league
Wikipedia - Topographic map (neuroanatomy) -- Ordered projection of a sensory surface o one or more structures of the central nervous system
Wikipedia - Topological space -- Mathematical structure with a notion of closeness
Wikipedia - Topology (structure) -- Collection of open subsets of a topological space
Wikipedia - Tower Bersama Infrastructure -- Telecommunication tower provider in Indonesia
Wikipedia - Tower house -- Type of stone structure, built for defensive and habitation purposes
Wikipedia - Tower of Silence -- Zoroastrian sky burial structure
Wikipedia - Track (rail transport) -- Rail infrastructure
Wikipedia - Transaction Processing Management System -- online transaction processing superstructure software
Wikipedia - Transact-SQL -- Microsoft's and Sybase's proprietary extension to Structured Query Language
Wikipedia - TransCentury Limited -- Kenyan infrastructure company
Wikipedia - Transfer principle -- That all statements of some language that are true for some structure are true for another structure
Wikipedia - Transfer RNA-like structures -- RNA sequences similar in structure to tRNA, found in plant virus genomes
Wikipedia - Transmission tower -- Structure used to support an overhead power line
Wikipedia - Transport in Birmingham -- Overview of the transport infrastructure in Birmingham
Wikipedia - Transport in Finland -- Overview of transport infrastructure in Finland
Wikipedia - Transport Infrastructure Ireland -- State agency overseeing certain roads and rail projects
Wikipedia - Transport in Kyiv -- Transportation infrastructure in Kyiv, Ukraine
Wikipedia - Transport in Manchester -- Overview of the transport infrastructure of Greater Manchester
Wikipedia - Tree (data structure)
Wikipedia - Tree data structure
Wikipedia - TreeDL -- Computer code language used to create tree data structures
Wikipedia - Tree shaping -- Use of living trees to create structures and art
Wikipedia - Tree structure -- A way of representing the hierarchical nature of a structure in a graphical form
Wikipedia - Triad (anatomy) -- Structure of muscle tissue
Wikipedia - Trichome -- Fine outgrowths or appendages on plants, algae, lichens, and certain protists. A unicellular or multicellular plant structure that forms a non-sclerified outgrowth from the epidermis
Wikipedia - Tridilosa -- Light and resistant materials-efficient 3-D structure
Wikipedia - Trie -- A type of search tree data structure
Wikipedia - Trilithon -- Structure consisting of two large vertical stones supporting a third stone set horizontally across the top
Wikipedia - Tripod (foundation) -- Three-legged foundation for wind turbines, especially offshore structures
Wikipedia - Trophoblast -- Early embryonic structure that gives rise to the placenta
Wikipedia - Truss bridge -- Bridge whose load-bearing superstructure is composed of a truss
Wikipedia - Truss -- Rigid structure that consists of two-force members only
Wikipedia - Tuned mass damper -- Device designed to reduce vibrations in structures
Wikipedia - Tunneling nanotube -- biological structure
Wikipedia - Tunnelling shield -- protective structure used during the excavation of tunnels
Wikipedia - Tunnel network -- aspect of transportation infrastructure
Wikipedia - Uberon -- A comparative anatomy ontology representing a variety of structures found in animals, such as lungs, muscles, bones, feathers and fins.
Wikipedia - Union Arch Bridge -- Historic masonry structure in Maryland, U.S.
Wikipedia - United States House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure -- Standing committee of the United States House of Representatives
Wikipedia - Unstructured data -- Information without a formal data model
Wikipedia - Unstructured grid
Wikipedia - Unstructured interview -- Interview in which questions are not prearranged.
Wikipedia - Unstructured programming
Wikipedia - Urinary cast -- Cylindrical protein structure in urine in certain disease states
Wikipedia - Use-define chain -- Data structure that tracks variable use and definitions
Wikipedia - Utah monolith -- Modern structure of unknown origin in southern Utah
Wikipedia - Utopian and dystopian fiction -- Genres of literature that explore social and political structures
Wikipedia - Vaisha Dev Shrine -- Religious structure in Nepal
Wikipedia - Valentin submarine pens -- Architectural structure
Wikipedia - Value City Arena -- Architectural structure
Wikipedia - Vandalism -- Deliberate damage or defacement of an object or structure
Wikipedia - Variable structure control
Wikipedia - Vector space -- Basic algebraic structure of linear algebra
Wikipedia - Vehicle frame -- Main supporting structure of a motor vehicle
Wikipedia - Vehicle infrastructure integration
Wikipedia - Vehicle-ramming attack -- Form of attack in which a perpetrator rams vehicle into people or structures
Wikipedia - Ventral pallidum -- Structure within the basal ganglia of the brain
Wikipedia - Venturi flume -- Hydraulic structure for flow measurement
Wikipedia - Vertebral column -- Bony structure found in vertebrates
Wikipedia - Vessel (structure) -- Structure in New York City
Wikipedia - Vibrating structure gyroscope
Wikipedia - Victoria Building, University of Liverpool -- Grade II listed architectural structure in Liverpool, United kingdom
Wikipedia - Virtual Desktop Infrastructure
Wikipedia - VMware Infrastructure
Wikipedia - Volcanic pipe -- Subterranean geological structure formed by volcanic eruption
Wikipedia - Vulcan structure -- Convergent tectonic boundary between the Medicine Hat and Loverna Blocks in North America
Wikipedia - Wadi Dib ring complex -- Geological structure in the Eastern Desert of Egypt
Wikipedia - Waffle fabric -- Woven or Knit fabric structure with a cellular or waffle appearance.
Wikipedia - Wall -- Vertical structure, usually solid, that defines and sometimes protects an area
Wikipedia - Wardley map -- A map of the structure of a business or service, mapping the components needed to serve the customer or user
Wikipedia - Waterproofing -- Process of making an object or structure waterproof or water-resistant
Wikipedia - Water tower -- Elevated structure supporting a tank
Wikipedia - Web decoration -- A stabilimentum is a conspicuous, usually zig-zagged, silk structure in some orb-weaver spider webs
Wikipedia - Well -- Excavation or structure to provide access to groundwater
Wikipedia - WeNMR -- Worldwide e-Infrastructure for NMR spectroscopy and structural biology
Wikipedia - Wharf -- A structure on the shore of a harbor or on the bank of a river or canal where ships dock
Wikipedia - White-box testing -- Method of software testing of internal structure
Wikipedia - Wikibase -- Collection of software (applications and libraries) for creating, managing and sharing structured data
Wikipedia - Wikipedia:Wikimedia Cloud Services -- technical computing infrastructure created to support software for Wikimedia
Wikipedia - Window sill -- horizontal structure immediately under a window
Wikipedia - Wingsail -- Variable-camber aerodynamic structure
Wikipedia - Witch's broom -- Dense mass of shoots grows from a single point, with the resulting structure resembling a broom or a bird's nest
Wikipedia - Wood preservation -- Treatment or process aimed at extending the service life of wood structures
Wikipedia - Work breakdown structure
Wikipedia - Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures
Wikipedia - World Atlas of Language Structures -- Database of the structures of many languages.
Wikipedia - WTVM/WRBL/WVRK Tower -- Architectural structure
Wikipedia - Wustenhaus Schonbrunn -- Architectural structure
Wikipedia - X-ray absorption fine structure -- Specific structure observed in X-ray absorption spectroscopy
Wikipedia - X-ray absorption near edge structure -- Type of X-ray absorption spectrometry requiring a synchrotron radiation facility
Wikipedia - X-ray crystallography -- Technique used in studying crystal structure
Wikipedia - X-tree -- Index tree structure in computer science
Wikipedia - Yttria-stabilized zirconia -- A ceramic with room temperature stable cubic crystal structure
Wikipedia - Ziggurat -- type of massive terraced structure built in ancient Mesopotamia
Wikipedia - Zipper (data structure)
Silvan Shalom ::: Born: August 4, 1958; Occupation: National Infrastructure Minister of Israel;^^^X_structures_DO_reach_gamma_0's_Supper#Structure'an#Literary_structure
Integral World - Integrating Structures and States, Part One, Peter Collins
Integral World - Integrating Structures and States, Part Two, Peter Collins
Integral World - States of Consciousness and the Structure of the Kosmos, Joe Corbett
Integral World - The Structure of Kosmic Deep-Time and the Next Phase of Kosmic Evolution, Joe Corbett
Integral World - The Integral Structure of Space-Time Evolution, Joe Corbett
Integral World - Consciousness and the Holonic Infrastructure, by Gerry Goddard
Integral World - You are Probability, Exploring the Universe as a Mathematical Superstructure, David Lane and Andrea Diem-Lane
Change the Rules: New Structures to Drain the Swamp
selforum - we see structure of auroville changing
dedroidify.blogspot - structure-of-consciousness-part-one
Psychology Wiki - Jean_Gebser#Characteristics_of_the_structures_of_consciousness
Psychology Wiki - Jean_Gebser#The_integral_structure
Psychology Wiki - Jean_Gebser#The_mental_structure
Psychology Wiki - Knowledge_structure
Psychology Wiki - Psychology_Wiki:Improving_Structure
Psychology Wiki - Social_structure
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - propositions-structured
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - structure-scientific-theories
Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans (2015 - 2017) - It was roughly 300 years after the conclusion of a great conflict known as the Calamity War, the Earth Sphere has lost its previous governing structure, and a new system of government has created a new world. Far away, seeds of a new conflict are starting to form in the Mars Sphere. When private sec...
The Triplets (1994 - 2004) - The plots of The Triplets follow a definite pattern. The sisters play some prank or manage to annoy the Bored Witch, and, to punish them, she sends them into a classical tale, legend, or children's literary work. The main structure of the classic remains, but some twists (often hilarious anachronism...
Stargate(1994) - A giant structure found in the desert has studied by various scientist for nearly fifty years and are no where near discovering what it is. Until Daniel jackson, a language expert deciphers and reveals that it's a Stargate. He also discovers how to make it work. They then learn that it's some kind i...
Rescue from Gilligan's Island(1978) - When a decaying Russian satellite crashes on the island, the Professor uses a key component for a barometer. With that device, he learns that a massive wave is going to swamp the island. In desperation, the castaways lash their huts together into one structure in order to have any chance to ride the...
Cube(1997) - Seven people, all strangers, all from different walks of life, awaken in a giant cube shaped room with hatches on all six sides. With no memory of how they got there, they soon discover that this is just one of thousands of rooms in a giant cube shaped structure. The rooms are constantly shifting an...
Team America: World Police(2004) - A satire film about big-budget action films and their plots and cliches created by "South Park" creators Matt Parker and Trey Stone. Team America: World Police exists for the sole intention of stopping terrorists from performing evil deeds. With a home base located within the structure of Mount Rush...
Blame! ::: Not Rated | 5min | Animation, Sci-Fi | TV Series (2003- ) Episode Guide 7 episodes Blame! Poster In the post-apocalyptic future, the earth is buried in an enormous mega-structure created by machines. The last hope for mankind is information on a data disc from an engineer called "Cibo." Stars: Asuka Aizawa, Tatsunori Arakawa, Kirsten Potter
Camp Lazlo! ::: TV-Y7 | 30min | Animation, Short, Adventure | TV Series (20042008) Bean Scout Lazlo, a fun-loving, free-spirited monkey, and his two bunkmates Raj and Clam, wreak havoc on a very structured summer camp. Creator: Joe Murray Stars:
Flint Town ::: TV-MA | 45min | Documentary, Crime | TV Series (2018) -- Documentary following the police department in Flint, Michigan as they struggle with dwindling resources and crumbling infrastructure in a community crippled by violence and a contaminated water crisis. Stars:
Prometheus (2012) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 2h 4min | Adventure, Mystery, Sci-Fi | 8 June 2012 (USA) -- Following clues to the origin of mankind, a team finds a structure on a distant moon, but they soon realize they are not alone. Director: Ridley Scott Writers: Jon Spaihts, Damon Lindelof | 2 more credits
Prometheus (2012) ::: 7.0/10 -- R | 2h 4min | Adventure, Mystery, Sci-Fi | 8 June 2012 (USA) -- Following clues to the origin of mankind, a team finds a structure on a distant moon, but they soon realize they are not alone. Director: Ridley Scott Writers: Jon Spaihts, Damon Lindelof | 2 more credits
Tout Va Bien (1972) ::: 6.6/10 -- Tout va bien (original title) -- Tout Va Bien Poster Godard examines the structure of movies, relationships and revolutions through the life of a couple in Paris. Directors: Jean-Luc Godard, Jean-Pierre Gorin Writers: Jean-Luc Godard, Jean-Pierre Gorin Stars:,_Boring_Theory,_Machinery,_and_Structures!_Wiki:Content_Structure's_Successor's_Successor_Secret_Technique_Inheritance_Pack's_Successor_Secret_Technique_Inheritence_Pack!_OCG_Structures!_OCG_Structures_-_Chapter_020
Blame! Prologue -- -- Production I.G -- 2 eps -- Manga -- Action Mecha Sci-Fi -- Blame! Prologue Blame! Prologue -- Based on the manga Blame! by Nihei Tsutomu, serialised in Monthly Afternoon. -- -- In a city that is said to have thousands of levels, making it impossible to tell the sky from the ground, the mysterious Killy wanders the bizarre and foreboding levels of this mega-structure, where the boundaries between machine and living organism have been obscured. -- -- (Source: AniDB) -- OVA - Sep 7, 2007 -- 8,844 5.46
Dragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu Dragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu -- Gohan Son and Piccolo are peacefully playing when they sense a powerful entity approaching Earth. It soon reaches everyone's ears that this entity is in fact a small planet on a deadly collision course with Earth. Gokuu Son and Kuririn attempt to change the small planet's path with a Kamehameha, but the attack fails and the two warriors are blown away. However, after coming very close to Earth's surface, the object changes direction on its own and explodes soon after. -- -- The small planet reveals itself to be a vehicle for what seems to be a castle. A large army emerges out of the structure and declares that the planet is now in possession of Slug, king of the universe. While defending the city against the invaders' attack, Gohan loses his Dragon Ball, allowing Slug to take it. After reading Bulma's mind and stealing her Dragon Radar, Slug commands his army to collect the wish-granting relics. With the Dragon Balls in his possession, he uses them to wish his youth back. Now young, wise, and very powerful, Slug commences world domination. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Mar 9, 1991 -- 94,615 6.58
Dragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu Dragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu -- Gohan Son and Piccolo are peacefully playing when they sense a powerful entity approaching Earth. It soon reaches everyone's ears that this entity is in fact a small planet on a deadly collision course with Earth. Gokuu Son and Kuririn attempt to change the small planet's path with a Kamehameha, but the attack fails and the two warriors are blown away. However, after coming very close to Earth's surface, the object changes direction on its own and explodes soon after. -- -- The small planet reveals itself to be a vehicle for what seems to be a castle. A large army emerges out of the structure and declares that the planet is now in possession of Slug, king of the universe. While defending the city against the invaders' attack, Gohan loses his Dragon Ball, allowing Slug to take it. After reading Bulma's mind and stealing her Dragon Radar, Slug commands his army to collect the wish-granting relics. With the Dragon Balls in his possession, he uses them to wish his youth back. Now young, wise, and very powerful, Slug commences world domination. -- -- Movie - Mar 9, 1991 -- 94,615 6.58
Gosenzo-sama Banbanzai! -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 6 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi Comedy Psychological Drama -- Gosenzo-sama Banbanzai! Gosenzo-sama Banbanzai! -- The Yomota family is small and typical: father Kinekuni (42), mother Tamiko (38), and son Inumaru (17). One day, a beautiful girl appears at their front door, calling herself "Maroko Yomota," granddaughter of Inumaru who travels back in time with a time machine to visit her ancestors. Even with Tamiko's strong objection, Kinekuni and Inumaru welcome her to stay with them, and the structure of a happy family has begun to collapse. -- -- (Source: ANN) -- OVA - Aug 5, 1989 -- 6,117 7.27
Kishibe Rohan wa Ugokanai -- -- David Production -- 4 eps -- Manga -- Action Mystery Shounen Supernatural -- Kishibe Rohan wa Ugokanai Kishibe Rohan wa Ugokanai -- Kishibe Rohan wa Ugokanai adapts a handful of one-shots based on the manga series JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken, and follows the bizarre adventures that Rohan Kishibe goes through as he searches for inspiration for his manga. -- -- Fugou Mura -- -- Rohan accompanies manga editor Kyouka Izumi to a secretive village where she plans on buying a house. Izumi informs Rohan that inhabitants of the village suddenly become rich at the age of 25 after purchasing their homes. Being 25 years old herself, Izumi has high hopes for moving into the village and invites Rohan to gather ideas for his manga. As they enter one of the houses for an interview with the seller, they are greeted by a servant named Ikkyuu, who puts them through a test of etiquette with deadly consequences. -- -- Mutsukabezaka -- -- Rohan meets with his editor, Minoru Kagamari, to discuss both his manga and the six mountains that the manga author recently bought. He explains that he purchased the mountains in order to search for a legendary spirit known as the Mutsukabezaka. To give his search context, he tells the tale of Naoko Osato, a wealthy heiress who murdered her boyfriend and became cursed by the spirit. -- -- Zangenshitsu -- -- Rohan decides to vacation in Venice after putting his manga on hiatus. While there, he explores the interior of a church and examines the structure of its confessional. After stepping into the priest's compartment, Rohan hears a man enter the confessional and begin to confess his sins. The man recounts his confrontation with a starving beggar and the haunting events that followed. -- -- The Run -- -- Youma Hashimoto is a young male model who has quickly risen to success. As his popularity grows, so does his obsession with his appearance and body. One day, he meets Rohan at the gym, and the two quickly form a rivalry which pushes Youma to intensify his training. Soon. Youma's fixation on his physique takes a dark turn as his training takes precedence over his life, and he challenges Rohan to a fatal competition on the treadmills. -- -- OVA - Sep 20, 2017 -- 77,010 7.62
Kumo no Mukou, Yakusoku no Basho -- -- CoMix Wave Films -- 1 ep -- Original -- Drama Military Romance Sci-Fi -- Kumo no Mukou, Yakusoku no Basho Kumo no Mukou, Yakusoku no Basho -- Hiroki Fujisawa and Takuya Shirakawa harbor admiration for two things in their life: their classmate Sayuri Sawatari and the vast Ezo Tower that stands boundlessly across the Tsugaru Strait. Fascinated by the limitless structure beyond their reach, Hiroki and Takuya begin constructing an aeroplane from a fallen drone they discovered—naming it the Bella Ciela—to fulfill their dream of one day reaching the sky-scraping top of the tower. Later joined by the girl they love, Hiroki and Takuya promise Sayuri to fly with her to the seemingly otherworldly top together. However, Japan has suffered a North-South partitioning that has fueled conflict near the base of the tower, which marks the border between the America-controlled Southern islands and the Northern lands occupied by the Soviet Union. -- -- Further along, Sayuri suddenly disappears, and Hiroki and Takuya never see her again. Unbeknownst to them, she fell victim to a sleeping disorder that left her comatose for the past three years. Although Hiroki and Takuya later learn about Sayuri's condition, they also discover that the girl's unconscious state is oddly linked to the same tower the trio had promised to conquer together. -- -- -- Licensor: -- ADV Films -- Movie - Nov 20, 2004 -- 181,371 7.54
Learn to Love -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Dementia -- Learn to Love Learn to Love -- "Someone loves you whether you know it or not." -- -- (Source: Maya Yonesho) -- Movie - ??? ??, 1999 -- 199 N/A -- -- Ring Ring Boy -- -- - -- 1 ep -- - -- Dementia -- Ring Ring Boy Ring Ring Boy -- (No synopsis yet.) -- Movie - ??? ??, 1963 -- 199 N/A -- -- Time on the Planet -- -- - -- 1 ep -- Original -- Dementia -- Time on the Planet Time on the Planet -- The sun rises in one place and the sun sets in another. -- When a woman's hair grows up, a man shaves off her elongated beard. -- Even if the time is different, the time passes in the same way anywhere. -- The earth turns and the sun rises again. -- -- Each of the frames has a structure that loops indefinitely. -- -- (Source: Official website) -- Special - ??? ??, 2016 -- 199 5.27
Magi: Sinbad no Bouken -- -- Lay-duce -- 5 eps -- Manga -- Action Adventure Fantasy Magic Shounen -- Magi: Sinbad no Bouken Magi: Sinbad no Bouken -- Not so long ago, mysterious structures called Dungeons began appearing all over the world. No one knows what they are or how they came to be, but adventurers and armies around the world instantly took interest in them. Thousands set out to explore the Dungeons, but so far, not a single person has returned. -- -- In a Parthevian port, a young boy is about to make a name for himself. Sinbad is good-natured, strong, and craving adventure. A kind deed leads to his meeting with Yunan, an enigmatic traveler who is far more powerful than his frivolous personality lets on. Yunan instructs Sinbad to attain the "power of the king" and change the world—by conquering a Dungeon. The eager boy readily accepts, setting out on the grand adventure he so craved. -- -- Taking place 15 years before the events of the original series, Magi: Sinbad no Bouken chronicles Sinbad's youth as a Dungeon conqueror. Along the way, the budding adventurer and merchant will have to face many obstacles, but anything is possible with the power of a king. -- -- OVA - May 14, 2014 -- 105,576 7.83
Metropolis -- -- Madhouse -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Drama Police Romance Sci-Fi Shounen -- Metropolis Metropolis -- In the great city of Metropolis, severe community structures and prejudice dominate a world where humans and robots live together. Unrest and violence increase with each new day. -- -- Searching for the scientist Dr. Laughton, suspected to violate human rights by trading organs, the Japanese detective Shunsaku Ban and his nephew Kenichi arrive at Metropolis. In the scientist's laboratory, Kenichi discovers a girl without any memory of her past life. He decides to help her, so they run away together. His uncle follows him and penetrates the dark secrets of the city to find Duke Red, the man ruling from the shadows. Meanwhile, Kenichi desperately tries to protect the mysterious girl from the people hunting her. However, Duke Red and his adoptive son have their own deep reasons for chasing the girl. These reasons are connected to her true identity and the struggle for the domination of Metropolis... -- -- Movie - May 26, 2001 -- 80,567 7.54
Naruto Movie 2: Dai Gekitotsu! Maboroshi no Chiteiiseki Dattebayo! -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Supernatural Drama Fantasy Shounen -- Naruto Movie 2: Dai Gekitotsu! Maboroshi no Chiteiiseki Dattebayo! Naruto Movie 2: Dai Gekitotsu! Maboroshi no Chiteiiseki Dattebayo! -- In a tumultuous effort, the Sunagakure ninjas attempt to repel an unforeseen invasion of mysterious armored warriors on the Land of Wind. Shortly afterwards, the same armored troops led by Temujin—a skilled knight of impressive power—ambush Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, and Shikamaru Nara, who are on a mission to recover a lost ferret. Naruto and Temujin engage in a fierce fight that ends with both of them falling off a cliff. -- -- Taken aback by their friend's sudden misfortune, Sakura and Shikamaru witness yet another alarming development: a massive moving structure appears out of nowhere, ravaging any trees and rocks in its path. While Sakura sets off to find Naruto, Shikamaru infiltrates the imposing fortress in hopes of learning more about the critical situation. -- -- Entangled in a relentless conflict, the Konohagakure ninjas join forces with their Sunagakure counterparts to defeat the common enemy. However, amidst the turmoil, a clash between two different visions of an ideal world emerges. -- -- -- Licensor: -- VIZ Media -- Movie - Aug 6, 2005 -- 179,927 6.88
Naruto Movie 2: Dai Gekitotsu! Maboroshi no Chiteiiseki Dattebayo! -- -- Studio Pierrot -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Adventure Comedy Supernatural Drama Fantasy Shounen -- Naruto Movie 2: Dai Gekitotsu! Maboroshi no Chiteiiseki Dattebayo! Naruto Movie 2: Dai Gekitotsu! Maboroshi no Chiteiiseki Dattebayo! -- In a tumultuous effort, the Sunagakure ninjas attempt to repel an unforeseen invasion of mysterious armored warriors on the Land of Wind. Shortly afterwards, the same armored troops led by Temujin—a skilled knight of impressive power—ambush Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, and Shikamaru Nara, who are on a mission to recover a lost ferret. Naruto and Temujin engage in a fierce fight that ends with both of them falling off a cliff. -- -- Taken aback by their friend's sudden misfortune, Sakura and Shikamaru witness yet another alarming development: a massive moving structure appears out of nowhere, ravaging any trees and rocks in its path. While Sakura sets off to find Naruto, Shikamaru infiltrates the imposing fortress in hopes of learning more about the critical situation. -- -- Entangled in a relentless conflict, the Konohagakure ninjas join forces with their Sunagakure counterparts to defeat the common enemy. However, amidst the turmoil, a clash between two different visions of an ideal world emerges. -- -- Movie - Aug 6, 2005 -- 179,927 6.88
Plastic Neesan -- -- TYO Animations -- 12 eps -- Manga -- Comedy School Seinen -- Plastic Neesan Plastic Neesan -- Iroe Genma is a third-year high school student often referred to as "Elder Sister" despite her short height. This troublemaking teenager is the president of her school's Model Club, which is dedicated to building plastic models of various objects and structures, such as cars, boats, and even robots. -- -- Joined by her two underclassmen, the violent Hazuki "Okappa" Okamoto and the rational Makina "Makimaki" Sakamaki, the small group aims to carry out their club duties but are often sidetracked by a myriad of distractions. From battles between club members to lessons on how to confess to your crush, these three schoolgirls get caught up in all sorts of wacky, and downright outrageous situations! -- -- ONA - May 16, 2011 -- 166,237 7.25
Pokemon Movie 10: Dialga vs. Palkia vs. Darkrai -- -- OLM -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Kids -- Pokemon Movie 10: Dialga vs. Palkia vs. Darkrai Pokemon Movie 10: Dialga vs. Palkia vs. Darkrai -- The beautiful Alamos Town is home to a pair of century-old structures known as the Space-Time Towers, built by the architect Godey to play orchestral music in the area. The towers are also home to the Alamos Town Contest Hall, which is the next destination for Hikari, Satoshi, and Takeshi in their journey through the Sinnoh region. A woman named Alice and her partner Chimchar are happy to guide Satoshi and his friends through the town and its hallmarks. -- -- But the tour is suddenly interrupted when Alice's friend Tonio notices a wave of dimensional disturbances throughout the town—all of which is blamed on an ominous Pokémon named Darkrai. The space-time disturbances continue to intensify as two legendary Pokémon, the Temporal Pokémon Dialga and the Spatial Pokémon Palkia, appear to duel each other, isolating the town and everyone present in it from the world into another dimension! -- -- As he learns that this event was foreseen long ago, Tonio finds that his great-grandfather left behind a way to stop the dueling Pokémon. Will Satoshi and his friends be able to use this last resort to save Alamos Town from vaporizing between the dimensions? -- -- -- Licensor: -- The Pokemon Company International, VIZ Media -- Movie - Jul 15, 2007 -- 86,536 7.26
Pokemon Movie 10: Dialga vs. Palkia vs. Darkrai -- -- OLM -- 1 ep -- Game -- Action Adventure Comedy Drama Fantasy Kids -- Pokemon Movie 10: Dialga vs. Palkia vs. Darkrai Pokemon Movie 10: Dialga vs. Palkia vs. Darkrai -- The beautiful Alamos Town is home to a pair of century-old structures known as the Space-Time Towers, built by the architect Godey to play orchestral music in the area. The towers are also home to the Alamos Town Contest Hall, which is the next destination for Hikari, Satoshi, and Takeshi in their journey through the Sinnoh region. A woman named Alice and her partner Chimchar are happy to guide Satoshi and his friends through the town and its hallmarks. -- -- But the tour is suddenly interrupted when Alice's friend Tonio notices a wave of dimensional disturbances throughout the town—all of which is blamed on an ominous Pokémon named Darkrai. The space-time disturbances continue to intensify as two legendary Pokémon, the Temporal Pokémon Dialga and the Spatial Pokémon Palkia, appear to duel each other, isolating the town and everyone present in it from the world into another dimension! -- -- As he learns that this event was foreseen long ago, Tonio finds that his great-grandfather left behind a way to stop the dueling Pokémon. Will Satoshi and his friends be able to use this last resort to save Alamos Town from vaporizing between the dimensions? -- -- Movie - Jul 15, 2007 -- 86,536 7.26
RD Sennou Chousashitsu -- -- Production I.G -- 26 eps -- Original -- Action Sci-Fi -- RD Sennou Chousashitsu RD Sennou Chousashitsu -- 2061 AD. Fifty years have passed since mankind developed the Network society. It was anticipated that this new infrastructure would realize a utopia where people connected with each other at the level of consciousness. However, new social problems such as personal data leaks and proliferation of manipulated information began to surface. Nevertheless, people still relied on the Network to exchange information, and proved unable to opt to abandon it. -- -- In due course, a new Network realm with more effective security measures was developed. This was called Meta Real Network, usually abbreviated as "the Metal." -- -- The Metal accommodated personal memory data within protected virtual stand-alone organic cyber enclaves called bubble shells and eventually pervaded the everyday lives of people. -- -- However, people gradually learned to release and explode their instincts within the secure environment of the Metal. The unleashed instincts pushed each individual's consciousness to drown in the sea of information and to be exposed to the pressures of desire. Meanwhile, norms and regulations continued to bind their real world lives. Thus, strange friction between the two worlds began to manifest themselves as aberrations beyond the bounds of the imaginable. -- -- Experts who challenged the deep sea of the Metal to investigate and decipher such aberrations were called cyber divers. -- -- This is a story of a cyber diver, Masamichi Haru, who investigates the incidents that lie between Reality and the Metal. -- -- (Source: Production I.G) -- 23,293 7.12
Seikaisuru Kado -- -- Toei Animation -- 12 eps -- Original -- Sci-Fi -- Seikaisuru Kado Seikaisuru Kado -- Cool-headed and rational, Koujirou Shindou is a government official and master negotiator with a well-earned reputation. While departing on a business trip, a giant cube materializes and his plane is taken undamaged into the mysterious, indestructible structure. -- -- As Japanese authorities attempt to identify the cube's properties and origins, Shindou encounters an otherworldly entity known as Yaha-kui zaShunina, who materializes in the form of a human man. He assures Shindou that the passengers are not in any danger and requests help in negotiations with the human world. -- -- Hailing from a higher dimensional universe known as Novo, Yaha-kui zaShunina is able to transfer information between Novo and Shindou's universe through a cube called Kado. Despite having these unfathomable abilities, he does not appear hostile. Instead, he announces that he has come to this world with only one intention: to "advance" humanity—starting with Japan. -- -- 95,698 6.80
Strawberry Panic -- -- Imagin, Madhouse -- 26 eps -- Other -- Drama Romance School Shoujo Ai -- Strawberry Panic Strawberry Panic -- Nagisa Aoi begins her new school life as a transfer student at St. Miator’s Girls Academy, one of three prestigious all-girls institutions atop Astraea Hill. Getting lost on her first day, Nagisa encounters a mysterious student whose elegance and charm is so bewitching, she ends up in the infirmary. -- -- There to greet her when she awakens is Tamao Suzumi, her roommate, who enthusiastically introduces Nagisa to the daily life and social structure on campus. Most notably, Tamao informs her of the existence of an exceptional student representative among all three schools—the Etoile, or "star." Eager to meet this person, Nagisa learns that the ethereal beauty she met earlier, Shizuma Hanazono, is the one and only Etoile herself! Not only that, Shizuma seems openly interested in Nagisa! Her interactions with Shizuma naturally make her a hot topic on campus; yet despite being so captivated, Nagisa can’t help but wonder if something is off. -- -- Strawberry Panic! follows the everyday routines of Nagisa, Shizuma, and her friends at St. Miator’s, St. Spica, and St. Lulim as they navigate through the challenge of relationships while confronting hidden feelings, lingering regrets, and new possibilities. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Media Blasters -- 116,121 7.30
Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria -- -- A-1 Pictures -- 1 ep -- Light novel -- Action Game Adventure Romance Fantasy -- Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria Sword Art Online: Progressive Movie - Hoshi Naki Yoru no Aria -- "There's no way to beat this game. The only difference is when and where you die..." -- -- One month has passed since Akihiko Kayaba's deadly game began, and the body count continues to rise. Two thousand players are already dead. -- -- Kirito and Asuna are two very different people, but they both desire to fight alone. Nonetheless, they find themselves drawn together to face challenges from both within and without. Given that the entire virtual world they now live in has been created as a deathtrap, the surviving players of Sword Art Online are starting to get desperate, and desperation makes them dangerous to loners like Kirito and Asuna. As it becomes clear that solitude equals suicide, will the two be able to overcome their differences to find the strength to believe in each other, and in so doing survive? -- -- Sword Art Online: Progressive is a new version of the Sword Art Online tale that starts at the beginning of Kirito and Asuna's epic adventure—on the very first level of the deadly world of Aincrad! -- -- (Source: Yen Press) -- -- Licensor: -- Aniplex of America -- Movie - ??? ??, 2021 -- 94,949 N/ADragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu -- -- Toei Animation -- 1 ep -- Manga -- Action Sci-Fi Adventure Fantasy Shounen -- Dragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu Dragon Ball Z Movie 04: Super Saiyajin da Son Gokuu -- Gohan Son and Piccolo are peacefully playing when they sense a powerful entity approaching Earth. It soon reaches everyone's ears that this entity is in fact a small planet on a deadly collision course with Earth. Gokuu Son and Kuririn attempt to change the small planet's path with a Kamehameha, but the attack fails and the two warriors are blown away. However, after coming very close to Earth's surface, the object changes direction on its own and explodes soon after. -- -- The small planet reveals itself to be a vehicle for what seems to be a castle. A large army emerges out of the structure and declares that the planet is now in possession of Slug, king of the universe. While defending the city against the invaders' attack, Gohan loses his Dragon Ball, allowing Slug to take it. After reading Bulma's mind and stealing her Dragon Radar, Slug commands his army to collect the wish-granting relics. With the Dragon Balls in his possession, he uses them to wish his youth back. Now young, wise, and very powerful, Slug commences world domination. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- Movie - Mar 9, 1991 -- 94,615 6.58
Yuukoku no Moriarty -- -- Production I.G -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Historical Psychological Thriller Shounen -- Yuukoku no Moriarty Yuukoku no Moriarty -- During the late 19th century, Great Britain has become the greatest empire the world has ever known. Hidden within its success, the nation's rigid economic hierarchy dictates the value of one's life solely on status and wealth. To no surprise, the system favors the aristocracy at the top and renders it impossible for the working class to ascend the ranks. -- -- William James Moriarty, the second son of the Moriarty household, lives as a regular noble while also being a consultant for the common folk to give them a hand and solve their problems. However, deep inside him lies a desire to destroy the current structure that dominates British society and those who benefit from it. -- -- Alongside his brothers Albert and Louis, the trio will do anything it takes to change the filthy world they live in—even if blood must be spilled. -- -- 175,367 8.02
Yuukoku no Moriarty -- -- Production I.G -- 11 eps -- Manga -- Mystery Historical Psychological Thriller Shounen -- Yuukoku no Moriarty Yuukoku no Moriarty -- During the late 19th century, Great Britain has become the greatest empire the world has ever known. Hidden within its success, the nation's rigid economic hierarchy dictates the value of one's life solely on status and wealth. To no surprise, the system favors the aristocracy at the top and renders it impossible for the working class to ascend the ranks. -- -- William James Moriarty, the second son of the Moriarty household, lives as a regular noble while also being a consultant for the common folk to give them a hand and solve their problems. However, deep inside him lies a desire to destroy the current structure that dominates British society and those who benefit from it. -- -- Alongside his brothers Albert and Louis, the trio will do anything it takes to change the filthy world they live in—even if blood must be spilled. -- -- -- Licensor: -- Funimation -- 175,367 8.02,_aurweb_and_infrastructure's_Witnesses's_structure.png,_ETH_Zurich).jpg"Diamond"_Structure.png,_EID_Charity.png'un_tiltm'Tea+Wharf,+Boston'+by+Arthur+Clifton+Goodwin,+El+Paso+Museum+of+Art.JPG#mw-category-media
170 (Infrastructure Support) Engineer Group
321 kinematic structure
38th parallel structures
3D structure change detection
3i Infrastructure
Abahlali baseMjondolo (membership & structures)
Abstract structure
Academic Structure of Indiana University (Bloomington)
Academic structure of the Australian National University
Accessory visual structures
Active structure
Adani Institute of Infrastructure Management
Addressed fiber Bragg structure
Administration for the Development of Weapons and Technological Infrastructure
Advanced Aerodynamics and Structures Inc.
Arostructure Lutin 80
Afcons Infrastructure
African-American family structure
Agile infrastructure
Air-supported structure
Algebraic structure
America's Infrastructure Alliance
Andhra Pradesh Industrial Infrastructure Corporation
Antin Infrastructure Partners
Appropriate Infrastructure Development Group
Arc Infrastructure
Arkenu structures
Array data structure
Artificial structures visible from space
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
ATS Infrastructure
Authority for the Financing of the Infrastructure of Puerto Rico
Bacterial cell structure
Balfour Beatty Infrastructure, Inc.
BangaloreMysore Infrastructure Corridor
Base and superstructure
Basic structure doctrine
Beam (structure)
Behemoth: The Structure and Practice of National Socialism
Belief structure
Belvedere (structure)
Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing
Bharati Defence And Infrastructure Limited
Bihar Urban Infrastructure Development Corporation
Biologically Inspired Tactical Security Infrastructure
Biomolecular structure
Bite Me: Narrative Structures and Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Block structure
Book:Biomolecular Structure
Book:Data structures
Boolean algebra (structure)
Bouligand structure
BP Structure
Brain Imaging Data Structure
Brain Structure and Function
Breakwater (structure)
British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure
Brookfield Infrastructure Partners
Buildings and structures in Belfast
Buildings and structures in Halifax, Nova Scotia
Buildings and structures in Sheffield
Cabinet Secretary for Infrastructure, Investment and Cities
Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure and Connectivity
Capital structure
Capita Property and Infrastructure
Capstone Infrastructure
Carbohydrate Structure Database
Category:Buildings and structures of the Sixth Dynasty of Egypt
Causal structure
Cell structure
Cellular organizational structure
CENTAG wartime structure in 1989
Center for E-Commerce Infrastructure Development
Centre for Ships and Ocean Structures
Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure
Character structure
Chemical structure
Chevalley's structure theorem
Chiastic structure
Chinese lantern structure
Chromatin structure remodeling (RSC) complex
Cincinnati Zoo Historic Structures
Civil engineering and infrastructure repair in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina
CK Infrastructure Holdings
Cloud Infrastructure Management Interface
Coarse structure
Cognitive social structures
Cohen structure theorem
Coherent turbulent structure
Color structure code
Color-tagged structure
Command and control structure of the European Union
Committee for Infrastructure
Common Language Infrastructure
Common modeling infrastructure
Community Cyberinfrastructure for Advanced Microbial Ecology Research and Analysis
Community Infrastructure Fund
Community-Led Infrastructure Finance Facility
Community structure
Community Structure Theory
Comparison of structured storage software
Complex structure
Compressed data structure
Computer-assisted structure elucidation
Computers and Structures (company)
Concise Encyclopedia of Supersymmetry and Noncommutative Structures in Mathematics and Physics
Concurrent data structure
Consideration and Initiating Structure
Converged infrastructure
Cooperative Research Centre for Advanced Composite Structures
Coordinating Minister for Infrastructure (Singapore)
Coreperiphery structure
CPSS-IOSCO Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures
Critical infrastructure
Critical Infrastructure Defence Act
Critical infrastructure protection
Critical Infrastructure Research and Development Advancement Act of 2013
Critical Internet infrastructure
Crystal structure
Curved space diamond structure
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Act
Cycling infrastructure
Database storage structures
Data center infrastructure efficiency
Data infrastructure
Data Infrastructure Building Blocks
Data structure
Data structure alignment
Data structure diagram
Deep structure and surface structure
Defected ground structure
Defence Infrastructure Organisation
De novo protein structure prediction
Department for Infrastructure and Transport
Department for Infrastructure (Northern Ireland)
Department of Infrastructure
Department of Infrastructure and Industrial Development
Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development
Department of Infrastructure and Transport
Department of Infrastructure (Isle of Man)
Department of Infrastructure (Manitoba)
Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Development
Department of Public Works and Infrastructure
Department of Transportation and Infrastructure (New Brunswick)
Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal (Nova Scotia)
Design structure matrix
DHS Infrastructure Protection and Disaster Management Division
Differential structure
Directed assembly of micro- and nano-structures
Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
Directory structure
Direct Rendering Infrastructure
DirectX Graphics Infrastructure
Dish structure
Disjoint-set data structure
Disordered Structure Refinement
Distributed European Infrastructure for Supercomputing Applications
Divided power structure
Dolphin (structure)
Draft:Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities
Dramatic structure
Duck decoy (structure)
Dynamic infrastructure
Dynamic structure factor
Dynamic Structures
Earthquake-resistant structures
Earth structure
Electronic band structure
Electronic structure
Email agent (infrastructure)
Eukaryotic chromosome structure
Eurocode 1: Actions on structures
Eurocode 2: Design of concrete structures
Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures
Eurocode 4: Design of composite steel and concrete structures
Eurocode 5: Design of timber structures
Eurocode 6: Design of masonry structures
Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance
Eurocode 9: Design of aluminium structures
European Grid Infrastructure
European Holocaust Research Infrastructure
European Market Infrastructure Regulation
European Programme for Critical Infrastructure Protection
European Rail Infrastructure Managers
European Research Infrastructure Consortium
Extended X-ray absorption fine structure
Extreme Light Infrastructure
Fabric structure
Factory automation infrastructure
Farm Structure Survey
Feature structure
Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure
Fine structure
Fine-structure constant
Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency
Flame structure
Flap structure-specific endonuclease 1
Fluidstructure interaction
Fluorite structure
Food Structure
Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure
Fried Egg structure
Function-Behaviour-Structure ontology
Fundamental structure
Gadhi (structure)
Gatun structure
GE Infrastructure
Generalized complex structure
Generalized phrase structure grammar
Generalized structure tensor
Genetic structure
Geological structure measurement by LiDAR
Geological structure of Great Britain
German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure
German sentence structure
Gestionnaire d'Infrastructure Unifi
Global Infrastructure Basel Foundation
Goals breakdown structure
Goldsilverbronze command structure
Governance structure of the United Church of Canada
Government structure of Communist Czechoslovakia
Graph structure theorem
Gravity-based structure
Green infrastructure
Green infrastructure for stormwater management
Grid Security Infrastructure
Group structure and the axiom of choice
G-structure on a manifold
GVK Power & Infrastructure
H5N1 genetic structure
Haefliger structure
Harsco Infrastructure Deutschland GmbH
Head-driven phrase structure grammar
Heap (data structure)
Herbrand structure
Heritage structures in Chennai
Heritage structures in Hyderabad, India
Heritage structures in Mumbai
Heterostructure-emitter bipolar transistor
HEXACO model of personality structure
Hibernia Gravity Base Structure
HICL Infrastructure Company
Hierarchical cell structure (telecommunications)
Hierarchical structure of the Big Five
Highly structured ring spectrum
High strain composite structure
Historical buildings and structures of Grand Teton National Park
Historical buildings and structures of Zion National Park
Historical structures of Governments of the Russian Federation
History of infrastructure
History of infrastructure development in Bathurst
HNA Infrastructure Investment Group
Hodge structure
Honeycomb structure
Hydraulic structure
Hyperbolic structure
Hyperboloid structure
Hyper-converged infrastructure
Hyperfine structure
ICME cyberinfrastructure
Idiom (language structure)
Impact structure
Implicit data structure
Indiana Register of Historic Sites and Structures
Indian Institute of Infrastructure and Construction
Information infrastructure
Information structure
Infrastructure and economics
Infrastructure and Projects Authority
Infrastructure as a service
Infrastructure as code
Infrastructure asset management
Infrastructure-based development
Infrastructure Canada
Infrastructure Development Company
Infrastructure Development Finance Company
Infrastructure for Peace
Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community
Infrastructure in Bangalore
Infrastructure in Boston, Massachusetts
Infrastructure in London
Infrastructure Investment Facilitation Company
Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services
Infrastructure New Zealand
Infrastructure NSW
Infrastructure (number theory)
Infrastructure of Changi Airport
Infrastructure of the Brill Tramway
Infrastructure policy of Donald Trump
Infrastructure security
Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia
Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur
Initiative for the Integration of South American Infrastructure
Initiative for the Integration of the Regional Infrastructure of South America
Inode pointer structure
Inorganic Crystal Structure Database
Institute for Information Infrastructure Protection
Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure
Institute of Infrastructure Technology Research and Management
Integrated Sensor is Structure
Integrated Truss Structure
Internal structure of the Moon
International conference on Physics of LightMatter Coupling in Nanostructures
IRB Infrastructure
Italian Grid Infrastructure
Italian meal structure
Italian Minister of Infrastructure and Transport
IT infrastructure
IT infrastructure deployment
Jackson structured programming
Joint Directorate of Infrastructure Networks and Information Systems
Journal of Infrastructure Development
Journal of Infrastructure Systems
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures
Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures
Journal of Molecular Structure
Journal of Sandwich Structures and Materials
JPMorgan Chase Bank v. Traffic Stream (BVI) Infrastructure Ltd.
Keggin structure
Kerala Industrial Infrastructure Development Corporation
Kerala Infrastructure Investment Fund Board
Kripke structure (model checking)
Kuranishi structure
Laboratory of Microstructure Studies and Mechanics of Materials
Lagrangian coherent structure
Lamellar structure
Lamella (structures)
Large-scale structure
Large Stone Structure
Latent semantic structure indexing
Latifundiominifundio land tenure structure
Legal opportunity structure
Level set (data structures)
Level structure (algebraic geometry)
Lewis structure
Linear complex structure
Linked data structure
List of Ahmadiyya buildings and structures
List of Berkeley, California Landmarks, Structures of Merit, and Historic Districts
List of Brutalist structures
List of buildings and structures at Black Creek Pioneer Village
List of buildings and structures illustrated on banknotes
List of buildings and structures in Benin
List of buildings and structures in Burundi
List of buildings and structures in Cape Verde
List of buildings and structures in Chad
List of buildings and structures in Como
List of buildings and structures in Djibouti
List of buildings and structures in Eritrea
List of buildings and structures in Florence
List of buildings and structures in Gabon
List of buildings and structures in Guinea
List of buildings and structures in Guinea-Bissau
List of buildings and structures in Hong Kong
List of buildings and structures in Libya
List of buildings and structures in Metro Moncton
List of buildings and structures in Missoula, Montana
List of buildings and structures in Namibia
List of buildings and structures in Puerto Rico
List of buildings and structures in So Tom and Prncipe
List of buildings and structures in So Vicente, Cape Verde
List of buildings and structures in Switzerland above 3000 m
List of buildings and structures in the Central African Republic
List of buildings and structures in the Comoros
List of buildings and structures in the Gambia
List of buildings and structures in Venice
List of Catholic dioceses (structured view)
List of Coca-Cola buildings and structures
List of countries by age structure
List of Cultural Properties of Japan - structures (Kchi)
List of Cultural Properties of Japan - structures (Okinawa)
List of data structures
List of high-rise buildings and structures in Tallinn
List of historical structures in Isfahan Province
List of historic buildings and structures in Macau
List of hyperboloid structures
List of Important Cultural Properties of Japan (Shwa period: structures)
List of Important Cultural Properties of Japan (Taish period: structures)
List of largest cosmic structures
List of Ministers of Transport and Infrastructure of Turkey
List of nonbuilding structure types
List of octagonal buildings and structures
List of oldest buildings and structures in Kitchener-Waterloo area
List of oldest buildings and structures in Montreal
List of oldest buildings and structures in Toronto
List of order structures in mathematics
List of possible impact structures on Earth
List of prehistoric structures in Great Britain
List of protein structure prediction software
List of religious buildings and structures of the Kingdom of Mysore
List of Renaissance structures
List of structures built on top of freeways
List of structures in London
List of structures on Elliott Bay
List of structures on the Canal du Loing
List of tallest buildings and structures
List of tallest buildings and structures in Afghanistan
List of tallest buildings and structures in Barrow-in-Furness
List of tallest buildings and structures in Belfast
List of tallest buildings and structures in Birmingham
List of tallest buildings and structures in Bristol
List of tallest buildings and structures in Cambridge, Massachusetts
List of tallest buildings and structures in Edinburgh
List of tallest buildings and structures in Egypt
List of tallest buildings and structures in Glasgow
List of tallest buildings and structures in Greater Manchester
List of tallest buildings and structures in Greece
List of tallest buildings and structures in Ipswich
List of tallest buildings and structures in Leeds
List of tallest buildings and structures in Leicester
List of tallest buildings and structures in Liverpool
List of tallest buildings and structures in London
List of tallest buildings and structures in Newcastle upon Tyne
List of tallest buildings and structures in Nottingham
List of tallest buildings and structures in Portsmouth
List of tallest buildings and structures in Preston
List of tallest buildings and structures in Salford
List of tallest buildings and structures in Scotland
List of tallest buildings and structures in Sheffield
List of tallest buildings and structures in Southampton
List of tallest buildings and structures in the Indian subcontinent
List of tallest buildings and structures in the London Borough of Croydon
List of tallest buildings and structures in the Paris region
List of tallest buildings and structures in the United Kingdom by usage
List of tallest destroyed buildings and structures in the United Kingdom
List of tallest freestanding structures
List of tallest structures
List of tallest structures 300 to 400 metres
List of tallest structures 400 to 500 metres
List of tallest structures built before the 20th century
List of tallest structures built in the Soviet Union
List of tallest structures by country
List of tallest structures in Albania
List of tallest structures in Algeria
List of tallest structures in Australia
List of tallest structures in Austria
List of tallest structures in Bahrain
List of tallest structures in Belgium
List of tallest structures in Bulgaria
List of tallest structures in Canada
List of tallest structures in China
List of tallest structures in Denmark
List of tallest structures in Estonia
List of tallest structures in Finland
List of tallest structures in France
List of tallest structures in Germany
List of tallest structures in Hungary
List of tallest structures in India
List of tallest structures in Indonesia
List of tallest structures in Iran
List of tallest structures in Ireland
List of tallest structures in Italy
List of tallest structures in Japan
List of tallest structures in Kosovo
List of tallest structures in Luxembourg
List of tallest structures in Morocco
List of tallest structures in New Zealand
List of tallest structures in Norway
List of tallest structures in Osaka Prefecture
List of tallest structures in Poland
List of tallest structures in Portugal
List of tallest structures in Romania
List of tallest structures in Serbia
List of tallest structures in Slovakia
List of tallest structures in South Africa
List of tallest structures in Spain
List of tallest structures in Sri Lanka
List of tallest structures in Sweden
List of tallest structures in Switzerland
List of tallest structures in Thailand
List of tallest structures in the Commonwealth of Nations
List of tallest structures in the Czech Republic
List of tallest structures in the Middle East
List of tallest structures in the Netherlands
List of tallest structures in the United Kingdom
List of tallest structures in Tokyo
List of tallest structures in Tunisia
List of tallest structures in Turkey
List of tallest structures in Turkmenistan
List of tallest structures in Yugoslavia
List of tallest twin buildings and structures
List of terms relating to algorithms and data structures
List of the tallest structures in Saudi Arabia
List of thin-shell structures
List of visionary tall buildings and structures
Lists of buildings and structures
Log structure
Log-structured file system
Log-structured File System (BSD)
Log-structured merge-tree
London Underground infrastructure
London water supply infrastructure
Lunar Infrastructure for Exploration
Macquarie Infrastructure Corporation
Maniitsoq structure
Market microstructure
Market structure
Markush structure
Marquee (structure)
Mass in B minor structure
Massive Australian Precambrian/Cambrian Impact Structure
Masterfeeder investment structure
Materials and Structures
Mathematical structure
Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics
Megastructures (TV series)
Membrane structure
Michell structures
Microstructured optical fiber
Microstructures in 3D printing
Military structure of the FARCEP
Minister for Infrastructure (New Zealand)
Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics (Northern Territory)
Minister for Infrastructure (Sweden)
Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development
Minister of Infrastructure
Minister of Infrastructure and Communities
Minister of Infrastructure and Transportation (Manitoba)
Minister of Infrastructure (Manitoba)
Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure
Ministry of Communications, Infrastructure, and Housing
Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure (Serbia)
Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure (Moldova)
Ministry of Energy Infrastructures and Natural Resources (Armenia)
Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development (Kazakhstan)
Ministry of infrastructure
Ministry of Infrastructure and Construction
Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy (Albania)
Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Energy
Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (Greece)
Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (Italy)
Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management
Ministry of Infrastructure Development
Ministry of Infrastructure (Ontario)
Ministry of Infrastructure (Poland)
Ministry of Infrastructure (Rwanda)
Ministry of Infrastructure (Slovenia)
Ministry of Infrastructure (Ukraine)
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (South Korea)
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure
Ministry of National Infrastructures, Energy and Water Resources
Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport (Nepal)
Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia
Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructure
Ministry of Telecommunication, Digital Infrastructure and Foreign Employment
Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure
Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure (Turkey)
Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (Albania)
Misery Index / Structure of Lies
Mixed Hodge structure
Molecular Structure of Nucleic Acids: A Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid
MPEG-4 Structured Audio
Multi-function structure
Musical structure
Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects
Narrative structure
National Agency for Science and Engineering Infrastructure
National Biological Information Infrastructure
National Civil Aviation and Aviation Infrastructure Direction
National Computational Infrastructure
National Critical Information Infrastructure Protection Centre
National Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Protection Act of 2013
National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program
National Information Infrastructure
National Infrastructure Advisory Council
National Infrastructure Development Company
National Infrastructure Pipeline
National Infrastructure Reinvestment Bank
National Infrastructure Security Co-ordination Centre
National Institute of Urban Infrastructure Planning
Navigation Structures at Pentwater Harbor
New Family Structures Study
NLF and PAVN strategy, organization and structure
Non-structured programming
NORTHAG wartime structure in 1989
North American Energy Infrastructure Act
Nuclear structure
Nucleic acid secondary structure
Nucleic acid structure
Nucleic acid structure determination
Nucleic acid structure prediction
Nucleic acid tertiary structure
Objective structured clinical examination
Obsolete models of DNA structure
Office for Reform and Organizational Structure
Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection and Emergency Preparedness
Office of Infrastructure and Logistics
Offshore concrete structure
Offshore structure
Offshore Structures (Britain) Ltd.
One Nation (infrastructure)
Open access (infrastructure)
Open Grid Services Infrastructure
Open protein structure annotation network
Operational structure of the Polish Land Forces
Operation Structure
Opportunity structures
Optimal substructure
Organic structure
Organisation and structure of the Metropolitan Police
Organizational structure
Organizational structure of Jehovah's Witnesses
Orphan structure
Outline of algebraic structures
Outline of Washington infrastructure
Out-of-band infrastructure
Overthrow (structure)
Pakistan infrastructure and industry
Palapa (structure)
Pan-European Species directories Infrastructure
Parasitic structure
Parent structure
Party for the Restructured Antilles
Passive data structure
Pawn structure
Pedestrian separation structure
Periodic table (crystal structure)
Perl control structures
Perl language structure
Permanent Structured Cooperation
Perovskite (structure)
Persistent data structure
Phantom structure
Photonics and Nanostructures: Fundamentals and Applications
Photon structure function
Phrase structure grammar
Phrase structure rules
Plate (structure)
Plausibility structure
Polish Grid Infrastructure PL-Grid
Political structure
Polythematic structured-subject heading system
Population structure
Population structure (genetics)
Portal:Tropical cyclones/Selected picture/Hurricane structure graphic
Power structure
Primary Structures (1966 exhibition)
Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Picture Editing for a Structured Reality or Competition Program
Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Structured Reality Program
Primeval Structure Telescope
Privilege Management Infrastructure
Product breakdown structure
Product structure modeling
Program structure tree
Prosa Structured Analysis Tool
Protein primary structure
Protein quaternary structure
Protein quinary structure
Protein secondary structure
Protein structure
Protein structure database
Protein Structure Evaluation Suite & Server
Protein structure prediction
Protein tertiary structure
PTFE structured packing
Public key infrastructure
Punishment and Social Structure
Purely functional data structure
Quantitative structureactivity relationship
Quantum heterostructure
Range query (data structures)
Reality structure
Regions and Powers: The Structure of International Security
Regularity structure
Reliance Industrial Infrastructure
Reliance Infrastructure
Religious Structures of Woodward Avenue Thematic Resource
Remote infrastructure management
Resource breakdown structure
Resource Public Key Infrastructure
Resources & Energy Sector Infrastructure Council
Retroactive data structure
Revolutionary Infrastructure
Rhetorical structure theory
Richat Structure
Ring structure
Risk breakdown structure
Rock microstructure
Rock Structure Rating
Role of national identification in mental structure
Rollover protection structure
Roman command structure during First Mithridatic War
Roman theatre (structure)
Rope (data structure)
Royal Arch (structure)
Rubielos de la Crida impact structure
Run-time infrastructure (simulation)
Salt surface structures
Sandwich-structured composite
Santa Fe impact structure
SAP NetWeaver Development Infrastructure
Search data structure
Secondary structure prediction
Sedimentary structures
Semi-structured interview
Sentence clause structure
Serviceability (structure)
Service-oriented infrastructure
Service structure
Shared Source Common Language Infrastructure
Simple public-key infrastructure
Skin and skin structure infection
Skyhook (structure)
Smart intelligent aircraft structure
Smart Materials and Structures
Smooth structure
Social structure
Social structure of China
Social structure of Romania
Soft-sediment deformation structures
Software-defined infrastructure
Soil-structure interaction
Song structure
South African Spatial Data Infrastructure
South East Queensland Infrastructure Plan and Program
Soviet infrastructure in Central Asia
Space Infrastructure Servicing
Spar and membrane structure
Spark Infrastructure
Spatial data infrastructure
Spin structure
Starling (structure)
Steep structure
Stellar structure
Stepped Stone Structure
St John Passion structure
Strategic Indigenous Housing and Infrastructure Program
String (structure)
Structureactivity relationship
Structureactivity relationships of anabolic steroids
Structure & Cosmetics
Structure and agency
Structure and Dynamics: eJournal of the Anthropological and Related Sciences
Structure and genome of HIV
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
Structure atlas of human genome
Structure-based assignment
Structure-based combinatorial protein engineering
Structure chart
Structureconductperformance paradigm
Structure constants
Structured analysis
Structured analysis and design technique
Structured ASIC platform
Structured cabling
Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV
Structured data analysis
Structured English
Structured entity relationship model
Structured finance
Structured Financial Messaging System
Structured interview
Structured Inventory of Malingered Symptomatology
Structured investment vehicle
Structure (disambiguation)
Structured light
Structured-light 3D scanner
Structured light plethysmography
Structured note
Structured prediction
Structured product
Structured programming
Structured program theorem
Structured sale
Structured settlement
Structured sparsity regularization
Structured support vector machine
Structured systems analysis and design method
Structured text
Structured trade and commodity finance
Structured type
Structured writing
Structure editor
Structure factor
Structure Films
Structure fire
Structure from motion
Structure from motion (psychophysics)
Structure function
Structure gauge
Structure (journal)
Structure mapping engine
Structure (mathematical logic)
Structure mining
Structure of Earth
Structure of Handel's Messiah
Structure of liquids and glasses
Structure of Management Information
Structure of NATO
Structure of observed learning outcome
Structure of policy debate
Structure of the Argentine Army
Structure of the Belgian Armed Forces
Structure of the British Army in 1939
Structure of the Canadian Army
Structure of the Chilean Army
Structure of the French Army
Structure of the Gaelic Athletic Association
Structure of the Hellenic Air Force
Structure of the Imperial Japanese forces in the South Seas Mandate
Structure of the Iranian Army
Structure of the Israel Defense Forces
Structure of the Italian Army
Structure of the Italian Army in 1984
Structure of the Japanese Army in Mengjiang
Structure of the Norwegian Army
Structure of the People's Liberation Army Navy
Structure of the rail industry in the United Kingdom
Structure of the Royal Australian Air Force
Structure of the Royal Netherlands Air Force
Structure of the Royal Netherlands Army
Structure of the Royal New Zealand Air Force
Structure of the Spanish Air Force
Structure plan
Structure relocation
Structures (Boulez)
Structures built by animals
Structure, sequence and organization
Structures for lossless ion manipulations
Structures from Silence
Structure, Sign, and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences
Structures of Death
Structure specific recognition protein 1
Structure tensor
Structure theorem
Structure theorem for finitely generated modules over a principal ideal domain
Structure theorem for Gaussian measures
Structure validation
Subsidiary structures of the Palace of Versailles
Substructure (mathematics)
Superstructure (condensed matter)
Surface-extended X-ray absorption fine structure
Surface structure
Sustainable urban infrastructure
Syntactic Structures
Talk:Learning bayesian network structure
Tambo (Incan structure)
Telecom infrastructure sharing
Telecommunication Infrastructure Company
Temporal envelope and fine structure
Tensile structure
Tetrapod (structure)
Theater (structure)
The Inner or Deep Part of an Animal or Plant Structure
The Journal of Structured Finance
The Large Scale Structure of Space-Time
The Logical Structure of Linguistic Theory
The Million-Year Centipede, or, Liquid Structures
Theory of Regal and Kungic Societal Structures
The Renewables Infrastructure Group
Thermodynamics of nanostructures
The Structure and Biology of Arctic Flowering Plants
The Structure of Evolutionary Theory
The Structure of Liberty
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
The Tyranny of Structurelessness
The Writer's Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers
Thin-shell structure
Three-act structure
Timeline of knowledge about galaxies, clusters of galaxies, and large-scale structure
Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation structure and storm Intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats
Tonkararin Tunnel Structure
Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority
Towson University buildings and structures
Trade-off theory of capital structure
Tree (data structure)
Tree structure
Truth About Motorways Pty Ltd v Macquarie Infrastructure Investment Management Ltd
Tube-based nanostructure
Tube (structure)
Uneven Structure
Unified structured inventive thinking
United Nations Spatial Data Infrastructure
Unstructured data
Unstructured grid
Unstructured interview
Unstructured Supplementary Service Data
Upper structure
Urban structure
Variable structure system
Vehicle infrastructure integration
Very large floating structure
Vessel (structure)
Vibrating structure gyroscope
Victoria Island structure
VMware Infrastructure
Way up structure
WeairePhelan structure
Weakly o-minimal structure
Weaubleau structure
Web Application Distribution Infrastructure
West Bengal Housing Infrastructure Development Corporation
West Coast Infrastructure Exchange
Wet infrastructure
Wireless Infrastructure Association
Wireless Public Key Infrastructure
WLAN Authentication and Privacy Infrastructure
Wodzimierz Trzebiatowski Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research
Word Structure
Work breakdown structure
Workshop on Structure and Constituency in Languages of the Americas
World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure
World Atlas of Language Structures
Wurtzite crystal structure
X-ray absorption fine structure
X-ray absorption near edge structure
Zeitschrift fr Kristallographie New Crystal Structures
Zipper (data structure)
ZnO nanostructures

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last updated: 2022-02-04 17:23:19
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